Når Nancy nevner samarbeid med Mawarid påbegynte forrige år, men at de først startet kommersielt i mai, og Simon sier at det er “very fresh”, så kommer følgende (fra 39:45, ikke 100% ordrett men nesten):
Nancy: But in the meantime, it’s been a lot of piloting and testing in SOOO many places. and on some in the key locations of Mawarid Investment Holding as well. and the reason I say that, is that if you look it up, Mawarid has a lot of forest management, natural reserves management. they actually look a lot after LARGE scale plants, irrigations and they understand the NEED for such a technology and ag-technology right. and then of course there’s been some partnerships as well, when I say partnerships - trial partnerships - with the likes of IN5 Tech, that was actually incubating Desert Control in it’s own facility and it’s team. and then they’ve accepted to do the commercial agreement to implement the LNC into their own garden
Simon: Wow! I mean the technology sounds amazing. I mean, if this all works, then it can be groundbreaking right?
Nancy: It is a game changer.
Simon: Yeah.
Nancy: 100%! Well, the fact is - it works! Because, 17 years of research PROVED that it works…
Mye interessant etterpå også, sier blant annet “Only now the word is getting around, and of course gradually we are looking at dealing with large scale developers”
46:00 +