Totalt. Hvis man ser på volatiliten i episurf kunne man jo tjent voldsomme summer på å treffe med trading der og.
Huffameg. Skal den aldri bunne ut denne?
Rykk tilbake til start. Ser ut som at epis-b må plasseres i skuffen under skuffen
Case-report with clinical data of Episealer patient published (Cision)
2017-07-11 13:47
A peer-reviewed report from a case-study with clinical data of an Episealer patient has been published in the Journal of Exercise, Sports and Orthopedics.
The study documents how a patient sustained a sporting injury that severely damaged a zone of knee cartilage and ultimately led to several failed surgeries and two years of unemployment. At the age of 31, the patient underwent Episealer surgery, recovered quickly from the procedure and returned to work as a carpenter within three months. Now, more than three years since the Episealer surgery, the patient continues to demonstrate significant pain and outcome score improvements that have also enabled a return to sporting activities.
“This patient has, after many years of severe pain and inability to work, returned to an active life. What is very satisfactory is that the life quality increased significantly, and that the good results do not deteriorate during these three years. It is also interesting that the case report mentions the wider welfare savings that can potentially be offered by our technology, enabling patients to get back to work,” comments Prof. Leif Ryd, Senior Medical Advisor to Episurf Medical.
For more information, please contact:
Pål Ryfors, CEO, Episurf Medical
Tel: +46 (0) 709 62 36 69
About Episurf Medical
Episurf Medical is endeavoring to bring people with painful joint injuries a more active, healthier life through the availability of minimally invasive and personalized treatment alternatives. Episurf Medical’s Episealer® personalized implants and Epiguide® surgical drill guides are developed for treating localized cartilage injury in joints. Episurf Medical’s μiFidelity® system enables implants to be cost-efficiently tailored to each individual’s unique injury for the optimal fit and minimal intervention. Episurf Medical’s head office is in Stockholm, Sweden. Its share (EPIS B) is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, go to the company’s website:
Case-report with clinical data of Episealer patient published
Kan se ut til at det er liten risk å legge denne i skuffen. Takk @holmes👍
Tror jeg må doble for å få ned snittet. Over 40 prosent minus er kjipt.
Kansje realisere tap og kjøpe seg inn igjen… få skattefradraget i år…
Ytterligare preklinisk artikel om Episealerimplantatet publicerad (Cision)
2017-07-19 08:30
Ytterligare en preklinisk artikel har publicerats, vilken än en gång validerar Episurf Medicals (NASDAQ: EPIS B) patenterade teknologi för reparation av broskskador i syfte att behandla smärta i knäleden. Studien “Cartilage Health in Knees Treated with Metal Resurfacing Implants or Untreated Focal Cartilage Lesions: A Preclinical Study in Sheep” av N. Martinez-Carranza et al. publiceras i den medicinska tidskriften ”Cartilage” och är nu tillgänglig online. Samtidigt som studien analyserar de positiva effekterna av Episealerimplantatet tar den också upp att de biologiska ytbeläggningarna som används på implantatet hjälper till att behålla kvalitén på omgivande brosk och leder till en mycket bra integration mellan brosk och Episealer (”chondrointegration”).
”Ytbeläggningarna som används på implantatet ser ut att resultera i att omgivande brosk bibehålls, vilket är unikt. Denna kliniska validering av vår teknologi är mycket spännande och allt fler bevis inom detta område börjar bli tillgängliga”, kommenterar Professor Leif Ryd, Senior medicinsk rådgivare, Episurf Medical.
Flytta den ut i boden jeg. Der får den ligge til våren kommer!
Jeg har overlatt den til kjekkasen Tom jeg, stoler på han😂
Episurf Medical (NASDAQ: EPIS B) has become an approved supplier to
Spire Healthcare, one of the UKs largest independent hospital
providers with 39 hospitals, 10 clinics and two specialist cancer
care centres across England, Wales and Scotland. The decision has
been made following a review process.
We are very pleased that, with the support from some of the UKs
leading surgeons, Episealer has received approval from Spire
Healthcare as a new treatment method for focal cartilage and bone
damages of the knee, says Pål Ryfors, CEO Episurf Medical. Spire
Healthcare delivers a very high standard of care for both private and
NHS patients across the UK. We look forward to offering the
Episealer to suitable patients, enabling them to benefit from our
technology which can help them to get back to a pain-free lifestyle,
concludes Ryfors.
Her er det bare å la Kjekkassen Tom passe på Epi aksjene mine, dette tror jeg blir bra, også kursmessig.
Må innrømme at jeg traff salgsknappen på 25% oppgang i dag. Håper på inngang igjen lavere…
Prismål selv etter siste emisjon er jo minst 25, men godt å se en konkret fremgang omsider.
Her er hva svenskene sier:
Høyere volum enn på lenge i hvert fall
Noen målkurs for kjøp igjen?
Hva tror du om at epis kanskje blir kjøpt opp? De er jo tragisk priset ift potensialet
Det er mulig, uansett tror jeg på mye høyere kurser utover høsten og vinteren.
Hvor mye har du nå?
Er det noen grunn til fallet? eller er det bare generelt nyhetstørke?