Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister

Flyr - Småprat

Very good example. I always try not to sell to early, so I don’t have to reenter at a higher price! That’s a big argument for me. The result of such tactics is that I tend to miss “the waves”. It is possible that your tactics is more fruitful!

Når kommer neste emisjon her? Hadde 270mill ish på bok(?) pr q1, og brenner ca 20-25mill pr mnd(?)

Trading is a lot about psychology. Why technical analysis works in my opinion is that people tend to behave in predictable ways. Over time, these behaviors creates patterns. If one is able to identify these patterns of movement, these can be exploited.

In this particular case, I saw a rising trendline and little willingness for people to sell the stock under 1 NOK. I further assumed people were expecting good numbers; the numbers had to be outstanding for the stock to perform more (i.e. the typical “sell on news” event).

You mentioned the stock couldn’t go higher than 1.20 based on fundamentals / pricing; and we saw how the stock was bouncing back and forth around this level last week.

If there is a definitive breach on high volume, one can assume there will be follow-through on the movement – i.e. – more people (even those who don’t use technicals) will jump onboard seeing how a significant level is surpassed.

In the end, one has to figure out what works for oneself, and just continue doing that, regardless of whether you use technical or fundamental analysis, or a combination of both.


What do you think, when is the best moment for entry (reenter): before or after 1H report? NAS will have it on 25.08 and FLYR on 26.08.

Not too sure - momentum is still to the downside and I see no reliable opportunity here yet…


what are your thoughts about reentry: before or after H1! I’ve sold all my NAS today!

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The stock does not currently fulfill any of my investment criterias; as far as the chart goes, I see major consolidation and indecision. I think the next report will dictate the way, and as the chart looks, it can go both ways, so I am staying clear until I see a tradable pattern… :slight_smile:

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Med relativt kort tid til neste emi er nok det en god strategi, eventuelt short.

Changes to the Board of Directors, appointment of employee representatives.

Flyr will present Second Quarter and First Half Year 2022 Results on Friday 26 August

Do you anticipate yet another EMI shortly?

Flyr reports Q2 2022 results

Etter mine beregninger har de cash nok til et kvartal til med drift. Mao. må de begynne å tjene penger i Q3 nå hvis man skal unngå en ny emisjon. Driftsresultat på -279mnok er ikke noe å hoppe i taket over, spesielt ikke når man tenker at det sterkeste kvartalet for fly er bak oss… :sweat_smile:

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It’s not a profit, it’s a loss of NOK 279.5 million!

Er Q2 det sterkeste? Det har bare ca 10 sommerferiedager (20. til 30. juni). Q3 har 45 sommerferiedager (1. juli til 15. august). SAS streiket også 4. til 19. juli., så man kan regne med at Flyr i det tidsrommet kunne ta hva de ville ha for de siste ledige setene.

Ser ut som de endte med -29,5 MNOK selv etter emisjonen :stuck_out_tongue:

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Ja, muligens du har rett, ser en analytiker forventer positivt driftsresultat i Q3, så det stemmer ifht. det du skriver! :slightly_smiling_face:

Yup, er det som er største problem for Flyr akjsonærer. Kommer Emi på Emi til de enten tjener penger eller ordner noe annnet.

Kan ikke drive i evighet med kunstig lave billettpriser for investorene sine penger

Synes det ser ut til at de kan begynne å ta greie priser? Noen fulle flyvninger og flyvninger hvor de har kommet til “høye” priser. Det ser spesielt ut til at torsdag-søndag rutene er noe de tjener veldig godt på.


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