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Funcom Fundamentale forhold

De hintet vel til tidligst året etter.


A new Funcom project on Level Infinite’s roster is set to be revealed during this week’s Game Awards.


Venter fortsatt på Conan Chop Chop. :yawning_face:


Når man ser hvor lang tid ting har tatt så skal vi vel kanskje være glade for at Funcom ble oppkjøpt. Kunne blitt flere nedturer på oss aksjonærer hvis ikke frykter jeg.


Men her sitter jeg og ser på game awards og tenker hvor mye folk kunne hausset dette framover :slight_smile:


Helt enig med @krafer ! Som gamer/investor hadde jeg vært skuffet i forhold til hypen i forkant :roll_eyes: men hvem vet ! Hadde lave forventninger til MYZ, men elsket det !

Dune: Spice Wars FAQ

What kind of a game is Dune: Spice Wars ?

Dune: Spice Wars is a real-time strategy game with 4X elements developed by Shiro Games ( Northgard , Wartales ) and published by Funcom ( Conan Exiles , The Secret World ). It features asymmetrical gameplay, with multiple playable factions and multiple ways to win, and is based upon Frank Herbert’s classic science fiction novel Dune .

When is Dune: Spice Wars coming out?

The game will release into early access in 2022.

What platforms will Dune: Spice Wars release on?


What will Dune: Spice Wars cost?

This will be disclosed closer to launch.

What gameplay modes does Dune: Spice Wars include?

At early access launch the game will focus on open single player gameplay as is typical of 4X games. Multiplayer and Campaign mode will be added over the course of early access.

Is there a story mode?

There will be a Campaign mode added to the game during early access.

Will the Campaign mode follow the narrative of Frank Herbert’s classic Dune series of books?

This is too early to say, but a campaign will most likely allow players to write their own stories, based on the characters and factions they play.

Do the visuals of Dune: Spice Wars align with the recent film?

We’ve based the game more on the original novel than on the movie, but since we’re both drawing on the same intellectual property, there will be some similarities.

Did Legendary Entertainment get involved in the game’s production?

We have a great working relationship with Legendary, who are of course keen to see the intellectual property handled with the respect and care it deserves. We discuss a lot of the visual design and the writing with them to make sure we’re aligned.

Where is this game being developed?

At Shiro Games’ studio in the beautiful city of Bordeaux, in southwestern France.

What engine is Dune: Spice Wars being developed with?

Dune: Spice Wars is developed with a custom engine Shiro Games created and customized specifically for developing strategy games.

Why will the game be going into early access?

Early access is a great way for the community to get involved in the development process, and for the developers to tailor the game specifically for the fans. Shiro Games had great experience doing this with Northgard and are keen on following the same recipe for success with Dune: Spice Wars . Through the game’s official Discord channel players will be able to give feedback on what kind of features they would really like to see implemented to the game.

Is Dune: Spice Wars connected to the Dune survival game that Funcom is working on?

No. While published by Funcom, Dune: Spice Wars is being developed in its entirety by Shiro Games. The upcoming survival game shares the same intellectual property but is otherwise unrelated.


Dune var det første RTS-spillet i sin tid. Dette er folka bak Northgard, så mye ligger til rette for at de kan treffe planken her.


:spikker på en flis:
Dune var faktisk mer en adventure/visual novel/tactical
Dune II var det første RTS…


Ja håper spillet er bedre enn Conan Unconqured… Det lå vel i kortene at gammel-gutta skulle lage et Dune RTS spill, men når CU floppet så ble det ikke noe av…

Funcom (og Tencent) satser mye på Dune spillet som skal komme en dag i fremtiden…hyrer inn 2 (!) studioer til å bistå dem i utviklingen. Kan være at de føler at de må raske på for å være relevante med produktet når neste film er klar. Pluss at det må være “polished” nok for et kravstort publikum.


Føler dette drøyer. Nesten som jeg håper at et større selskap hadde kjøpt opp selskapet. Vurderer å selge nå. Er i underkant av 17 kr en god verdsettelse pr aksje?


Da har de nok endelig fått fjernet hele funcom teamet fra spillet slik at de kan holde seg til en passende utfordring. Er chop chop langt unna nå?


LOL, apropos:

Første livstegn på år og dag.


Første mars :grin::crossed_swords::crossed_swords::crossed_swords:


Civilization på Arrakis? Bør kunne selge bra.

Early access 26. april




#1 Global top sellers!!! (nostalgia):rocket:

Hvor mange dager holder de nr 1 og hvor mange kopier selges😀