Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister

Funcom småprat 2018

Flertallet spiller det utenom steam

Folk venter på sesong to, dette er en mindre oppdatering.


Hvor mye kan man forvente fra xbox på denne rapporten, og hvor mye cash brenner de nå da salget har vært æsj? Klarer Funcom holde seg i øra selv om de finpusse for harde livet?

Har dere noen forventninger til inntektene fra SWL på Q4-rapporten?

Mindre en utgiftene er mine :grimacing:

1-2 MUSD bull!

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Off topic: Virker ikke chatten vår lengre?

Edit, virket med refresh. Du er ikke så evil du Evil :slight_smile:

Funker fint her, refresh siden

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Funcom NV today announces its fourth quarter and preliminary
2017 annual results. The highlights from the report include:

  • 2017 is the most profitable year in the Company’s history,
    with a profit before tax of USD 6,647 thousand illustrating
    the successful execution of the first phase of the strategic
    turnaround initiated in 2015.

  • Positive EBITDA in 4Q17 despite the quarter being dominated
    by preparations for 2018 launches and transaction costs
    related to the private placement and Heroic Signatures.

  • Conan Exiles is on track for full launch on 8 May 2018,
    in 12 languages, digital and retail stores, worldwide with
    several partners.

  • The Bearded Dragons partnership game will be revealed
    tomorrow, 28 February 2018, and is on track to be released
    this year.

  • Financial position strengthened further in 1Q18 with NOK
    88.4 million private placement cash inflow from Robur on top
    of the 4Q17 cash balance of USD 8,079 thousand.

  • Since 1 February 2018 Funcom has owned 50% of the gaming
    rights for Conan the Barbarian and many other Intellectual
    Properties through Heroic Signatures and received IP royalties
    through the company. The transaction increases the equity of
    Funcom by approximately USD 7 million in 1Q18.

  • A new major internal project has been greenlit and starts
    pre-production in March 2018.

The report can also be downloaded from the Company’s
website, under the page ‘Investors’.

As previously announced a presentation will be held on
the Funcom channel on Twitch, www.twitch.tv/funcom
at 8:00pm CET today 27 February. The presentation will
be held in English by Rui Casais, CEO of Funcom, and
Stian Drageset, CFO.

Any enquiries may be addressed to: investor@funcom.com

To receive Funcom news directly to your e-mail sign up to
our e-mail service at https://investors.funcom.com/

Badhoevedorp, The Netherlands, 27 February 2018
Funcom N.V.

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements
acc. to §5-12 vphl (Norwegian Securities Trading Act).


A new major internal project has been greenlit and starts
pre-production in March 2018.




Hva kan vi forvente fra Hegnar, DN og E24 nå?:blush:

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Heilt Ok for Funcom :joy::joy:


God stemning, de begynner å få opp øynene for at selskapet leverer gode resultater.
Det blir god kok i morgen.


Local partnerships in China, Japan, and Korea have been or are in the process of being established to support the PR, marketing, community, and distribution efforts in those regions
• The game will be available in 12 languages worldwide, on PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4, both digitally and on retail

CE kommer bli stort!


Cooperative online shooter game m/premium business model :smirk:


Er du tungt inne i Funcom?

“Current 6.9% Avanza ownership indicates increased interest from Swedish investors”


Ikke i forhold til hva jeg var for en stund tilbake!
Sitter med vesentlig mindre nå, etter boligkjøpet.
Men går dette rett vei, så er porteføljen på god vei opp igjen… :slight_smile: