Diskusjon Triggere PortefĂžljer AksjonĂŠrlister

Generell Shippingprat 🚱

MĂ„ bulle LPG’ene litt. Avance, BWLPG og Dorian (NYSE:LPG)
Ratene holder seg over 45kUSD/dag (Fearnley USD/day 47.452)

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Lr2 og Lr1, hva er det?

Medium Range 1 (MR1)

  • 45,000–54,999 [DWT]
    Medium Range 2 (MR2)
  • 55,000–79,999 [DWT]
    Large Range 1 (LR1)
  • 80,000–159,999 [DWT]
    Large Range 2 (LR2)
  • 160,000–319,999
    Very Large Crude Carrier (VLCC)
  • 320,000–549,999

NĂ„r bunner det ut i FRO tror dere?

Nérmer seg @Paddy80 - nérmer seg

NĂ„ skal det pumpes?
“The state producer lowered April pricing for crude oil sales to Asia by $4-$6 a barrel to Asia and to the U.S. by $7 a barrel, according to a copy of the announcement seen by Bloomberg, as the coronavirus erodes demand and cohesion in the OPEC+ alliance crumbled in Vienna.”


Forrige gang oljeprisen gikk ned til 30dollar



Crude-tanker shipping

The most directly exposed segment to the OPEC+ blowup is crude-tanker shipping. The consensus is that the commodity price plunge will be positive for freight rates, although analysts diverge on the extent and duration of the upside.

Clarksons Platou Securities analyst Frode MĂžrkedal is particularly bullish. As crude pricing induces land-based and floating storage, he sees spot rates for VLCCs (very large crude carriers, which carry 2 million barrels of crude oil) rising from $45,000 per day currently to potentially up to $110,000 per day.

According to Michael Webber, head of Webber Research, “Tanker activity and rates are generally positively levered to production volumes, including overproduction, albeit less sustainably.” He said the OPEC+ dispute would put “additional supply into a market that’s already oversupplied,” and as a result, he expects “floating storage, both structural storage when inventories saturate, as well as contango-driven economic storage.”

Evercore ISI analyst Jon Chappell said that the tanker names “dodged a bullet” when the prior OPEC+ plan for an additional 1.5 million b/d cut was killed. He believes an oil price war and contango “bode very well” for the sector, but that “it’s hard to recommend catching a falling knife in tanker stocks until there’s more clarity on the [coronavirus] impact to oil demand.”

According to Stifel analyst Ben Nolan, “Initially, this [crude-price reduction] would be good for crude tankers, although only moderately. Growth in supply is one thing, but the real problem is a lack of demand. More barrels could lead to floating storage, but ultimately, if people aren’t using the oil, any improvement is temporary. Longer term, an oil war could be negative as it would certainly lead to less activity in places like the U.S., which would shrink ton-mile demand.”

The bearish view for crude tankers is that sustained lower crude pricing will wipe out U.S. shale production, reducing long-haul U.S.-to-Asia VLCC shipments and replacing them with shorter-haul Middle East-to-Asia shipments. Vessel demand is not measured in tons of cargo, it is measured in ton-miles — volume multiplied by distance.

This same point was raised by Mþrkedal one week ago, when he wrote: “Bottom line is that even though OPEC cuts are likely negative on the margin [for tanker rates], the potential slowdown in U.S. crude output if prices were to collapse would have been much worse for tankers.” Those prices have indeed collapsed.

The early indications on Monday were that Wall Street investors believe falling crude prices are good for tankers. In the first half of the trading day, as the broader market crashed and system circuit breakers were triggered, sizeable share-price gains were being posted by crude-tanker owners


Og alle skal ha

Er det ikke en til bÄt av Hunter sine som straks er ferdig med en tur?

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Man mĂ„ jo bare elske Saudi om man er skipsreder eller aksjonĂŠr i stortank akkurat nÄ  :innocent:



Kun pga corona hunt og nat faller sÄ mye? Ratene er jo helt insane bra. Tjener penger som gress nÄ.

Frontline faller hardt i US nÄ

det er jo sykt nÄr VLCC er pÄ 262k USD dagen, sÄ skal frontline falle som fy!

Jeg skal laste mer FRO i morgen - frigjorde endel midler i dag :wink:

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Good, ser NAT er ned 20% i USA. Lurer pÄ Ä snitte ned litt selv. Samt ta et lodd i Hunt/FRO i morgen :slight_smile:

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suez 120k :heart_eyes:

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