Dette svarte faktisk Bruno (grunnlegger av Oyster) på i går etter at David Sønstebø spurte hvorfor de ikke kunne bruke iotas istedenfor Shells (SHL).
Hello David, thanks for stopping by
The Oyster network has a web node topology, web nodes are essentially the browsers of website visitors. Web nodes are the ones who scan the tangle for embedded PRL like a treasure hunt. They peer with each other and form a meshnet. It’s important for this meshnet to persist so that genesis hashes can be retained and the distributed reputation system (keeps broker nodes in check) can function. Javascript Dapps will operate on top of this meshnet, this has been mentioned in the original Oyster whitepaper.
It’s crucial for the Oyster ecosystem that PRL and SHL can originate from and arrive to the same point. A single unified Oyster wallet must be used to fund activity on the Oyster network. Websites who earn money via Oyster must receive PRL and SHL at the same point of reception.
As I had mentioned previously, PRL is pegged to storage via the bury() and claim() functions in it’s smart contract. This forces us into the Ethereum ecosystem, which also forces SHL there too (needs same point of origination and reception as PRL).
However, I believe that a swarm intelligent tangle is vastly superior to Ethereum’s scaling roadmap. If IOTA was able to provide a stable smart contract layer for coloured coins (therefore hosting the bury() and claim() functions), it would become a slippery slope for Oyster to fully migrate from Ethereum to IOTA. A proof-of-burn system could be used to convert tokens from one platform to another.
At such a stage there would be a significant overlap in the functionality of shells and iotas. ETH-shells could be converted to IOTA-shells or even iotas themselves via proof-of-burn. However the real question that precedes that one is if web nodes will become full IOTA nodes on a swarm intelligent tangle. This would have made broker nodes as initial props to the network similar to what the coordinator is now. It’s much too early to tell how this will play out, it requires a sophisticated and long term discussion at the minimum.
Feel free to contact me anytime via telegram at handle @brunoblock or reddit, and say hi to CfB for me.