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IOTA (kryptovaluta/Internet of Things)

Denne gangen har han rett. Klarer ikke å finne en eneste krypto OG som vil si at IOTA er et bra prosjekt.

Og stort sett det som har kommet av argumenter har blitt svart på/motbevist uten at dette har forandret synet deres på IOTA, hva forteller det deg? (kanskje med unntak av VItalik etterhvert)

Er det en liten agenda bak kanskje?

Hva betegner egentlig en krypto OG?

Hva med CFB?

Når du har et totalt sentralisert system med 1 coordinator da hjelper det ikke å si at man skal fikse det etter hvert. Hele poenget med krypto er at det skal være desentralisert, og det er derfor svært få stiller seg bak Ripple og IOTA.

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Jadda, du har lenge vært kritisk til Iota uten å komme med noen solide fakta, eller så kommer du med argumenter som er motbevist flere ganger. Men det er bra at du motiverer forumet til å lese seg opp, du burde prøve det selv.

Vitalik i februar: “Theoretically, there is an infinite number of possible equilibria: just Bitcoin has value, just Bitcoin Cash has value, just Bitcoin and Ethereum, just IOTA…”

Coordinator er midlertidig, og det er sagt at den skrus av i 2019. : “Like Bitcoin, Ethereum and all other distributed consensus protocols before it, the IOTA network need an onboarding mechanism to provide 34% attack protection in its early days. Due to the unique underlying architecture of IOTA this takes the shape of a ‘Coordinator’. The ‘Coordinator’ or ‘Coo’ for short, is essentially training wheels for the network until the amount of organic activity on the ledger is sufficient to where it can evolve unassisted, at which point the Coo is permanently shut off.”

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SWEET :smiley: :tada:

For all del bare hiv pengene deres inn i IOTA, men husk at dette er den eneste kryptovalutaen som har ett nettverk som er nede titt og ofte siden det er avhengig av en enkelt server.

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Dette nettverket du snakker om, er det samme nettverk som FreddyG nevnte i en post over?

Snakker om IOTA-nettverket ja.

Satser på teknologien og ikke kryptovaluta delen.


Qubic klokken 19 i dag!

Her fra en AMA de gjorde for noen dager siden:

Seeing a few threads asking for a summary, here are some of my notes having watched the whole video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArF1AVG0idU). Note that most is paraphrased as I watched, not direct quotes. Quotes in “”. Sorry, was typed quickly so may be some spelling mistakes or unclear points (in which case watch the video).

Roadmap: Working on a public roadmap for the website with various projects & priorities, interactive and updated. Will have same format as the Trinity roadmap. Coming soon.

IXI Hub: Long overdue, going over it a number of times to ensure right, secure, to deal with billions of dollars in transactions. Refactoring the code, working with the exchanges. Very close to the point where Hub will be in the field.

Richard Soley: He will assist IOTA with setting up an alliance. May hand over parts of the IOTA Foundation (projects) to Eclipse Foundation.

Finance Partnerships: Interest in expanding IOTA into regular finance, not just M2M. In the future there is no distinction between M2M/IoT and regular finance.

Partners in Core Tech: Outside contributors requires governance, which is in place for the Foundation, but no official governance in place to manage externally provided code. Open to indsutry submitting ideas and code for a global standard.

Differences between IOTA in 2015 and now: On (almost) exact path that they set out to create, which is inevitable as they are pioneering the space (building the road). Further ahead than they thought they would be. Market cap, partners, etc exceeded expectations (at this early stage). Rarely looking at how far they have come (bigger picture) as regularly looking to the next challenge.

Swarm nodes: Swarm nodes on priority agenda for 2019. CfB working on the intricacies of enabling these. Won’t need them until we see IoT adoption.

Transactions: Goal to reach 1000 CTPS in 2018, prefer with organic adoption, rather than just under stress test.

Identity: Working on it since 2015 (& still actively), identity layer for IoT and humans. A fundamental building block for future projects. Purpose of IF is to enable and create the basic building blocks to enable the machine economy. How can I trust a charging station is a charging station? Identity is everywhere & important. Blockchain (or Tangle) only a small part of an identity system (a mosaic used as a metaphor). Has to be a collaboration effort (across industry, not just one Foundation), not all projects have been disclosed. Internet of me, GDPR provides opportunity to hand over control of data to users for monetisation, etc.

How The Team Works: The future of work, collaboration across the globe. Completely distributed, decentralised team, working 24/7. Tone of Foundation much more friendly than a regular company. Bootstrapping under the eye of the public. Create a technology with this sort of impact is the opportunity of a life time. Dealing with attacks is stressful, emotional, a distraction at times, but the team is dedicated and works through the night when needed. Productivity level in the team is beyond boundaries. Every day there is new questions that can’t be answered via Google or Stack Exchange, needing to invent solutions all the time and come up with new questions. Not one leader, everyone is contributing to the vision and ecosystem. All in the IF have same perspective, all about “getting shit done”. IF in more than 15 countries, not just a German NFP. David and Dom thrive in chaos. Exciting to see how committed everyone is. Aiming to have IF at 100+ people by the end of the year.

What Can Non-Techs Do To Contribute: Anyone can add value if you spend some time doing “something”. Example: Limo running the Tangle blog with Sunday YouTube rant, a valuable resource. Answer questions on Reddit / Stack Exchange / GitHub. Create blog posts, create content (content creators important for the ecosystem). Some companies working with IF have been connected by random people in the community who happen to work there. Find something that you can put energy into. A person who has never heard about blockchain needs to know about how IOTA can help them. Meetups are getting more important. Community can help to shape these, participate, innovate. Huge opportunities for people to pursue careers in IOTA (developers in the space can earn good coin, etc). Don’t ask for permission to do something, “just fucking do something” :slight_smile: Impressed by the ecosystem every single day, seeing new projects they haven’t heard of provides IF energy to keep going.

FUD: IOTA has been attacked over and over by idiots. IF are doing their best to create something new for the world. Why the fuck is this happening? Don’t care anymore, they will avoid getting distracted, forget about the naysayers. In the real world (corporate world), they are not seeing any resistance, only enthusiasm. All of the nonsense comes from other crypto projects or those with close ties to them. Focusing on real world adoption, all that matters. Getting better on focusing on work, getting shit done. Takes courage from the corporate partners (among the most conservative and largest in the world) to join IOTA, they are aware of the FUD from the crypto outlets. The corporates want to work with IOTA, they ignore the FUD. The FUD is beyond ridiculous. IF have to correct some of the lies, but the rest is ignored. It’s the ultimate compliment that others have to go out of their way to tarnish IOTA with complete fabrications.

Social Problems: Next stage: want to apply the tech to true social problems. Want to partner with NGOs and other organisations e.g. tech to support refugees, unbanked, etc. No specific ideology/neutral as a Foundation, not supporting left / right / centre politics. Just creating the voting mechanism.

Final: They miss regular contact with the community & want to host these regularly, perhaps monthly.

** Video cutoff near the end as David was saying something **

u/DavidSonstebo -> We want a picture of your cats!

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“Inntil nå ble data kartlagt 11ganger i året per ku, det nye er 3 ganger per dag”
Tine samarbeider med IOTA og bønderne skal få betalt for data som jeg forstår det.

Se for deg at Tine / Q meieriet betaler bonden 0.01% fee for å streame næringsdata osv på melkekartongene. Evt hvor mye kue får bevege seg fritt ? (fra kundens perspektiv) Men også for andre aktører som vil optimalisere sin egen produksjon. Best Fôr for best kvalitets melk osv.


Tenker å invistere, da rent teknisk ikke ser så værst ut.

Mye possetivt om IOTA for blant annet teknologi som ingen transaksjonskostnader, ingen mining og mange store firmaer kaster seg på teknologien.
Men for oss vanlige, får vi egentli bruk for IOTA som ett betalingsmiddel eller en verdigjenstand? Da den ser ut til å være tiltenkt internt i og i mellom bedrifter og i teorien ikke kommer til å ha noen verdi utenom.

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IOTA Engineering på Twitter: "IRI 1.5.2 is out! IRI can now better detect and ignore lazy tips, which should alleviate the recent slowdowns we’ve seen from the side tangle.

Audi utforsker mulighetene med Iota

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Richard Heart on IOTA: Dumbest piece of shit I have seen in my fucking life

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