Helt klart at ein har stor nytte av vitamin D.
“Eightfold higher risk of having severe COVID illness among those who entered with vitamin D deficiency compared with those who had sufficient vitamin D levels”
“12% to 70% reduction of respiratory infection with vitamin D supplementation”
““Of the 212 (100.0%) cases of Covid-2019, 49 (23.1%) were identified mild, 59 (27.8%) were ordinary, 56 (26.4%) were severe, and 48 (22.6%) were critical (Table 1). Mean serum (OH)D level was 23.8 ng/ml. Serum (OH)D level of cases with mild outcome was 31.2 ng/ml, 27.4 ng/ml for ordinary, 21.2 ng/ml for severe, and 17.1 ng/ml for critical. Serum (OH)D levels were statistically significant among clinical outcomes (p<0.001). A total of 55 (25.9%) cases had normal Vitamin D status, majority of which (85.5%) were identified mild. A total of 80 (37.7%) cases had insufficient Vitamin D status, majority of which (43.8%) were ordinary. Cases identified as Vitamin D-deficient were 77 (36.3%), majority of which were severe (40.3%).
Vitamin D status is significantly associated with clinical outcomes (p<0.001).
A multinomial logistic regression analysis reported that the odds of having a mild clinical outcome rather than an ordinary outcome were approximately 1.63 times (OR=0.614, p=0.007) for each standard deviation increase in serum (OH)D (Table 2).
Also, for each standard deviation increase in serum (OH)D, the odds of having a mild clinical outcome rather than a severe outcome were approximately 7.94 times (OR=0.126, p<0.001) while interestingly, the odds of having a mild clinical outcome rather than a critical outcome were approximately more than 19.61 times (OR=0.051, p<0.001).””