Kan jo da runde av med hvor vi står med BEM og covid. Så får vi se om man følger opp dette.
(Grad 4 og 5: Innlagte med varierende grad av oksygenbehov, uten å være intubert.)
Patients in the subgroup were receiving oxygen (Grade 4) or non-invasive ventilation (Grade 5) and recorded serum levels of the inflammatory marker C-Reactive Protein (CRP) greater than 30mg/L. This subgroup represents more than 60% of the patients in the combined study population, and the previously reported treatment benefit in this group of patients in India and South Africa is reproduced in analysis of the patients studied in the UK.
Across both studies, evaluation of the primary endpoint of time to recovery or discharge, in this defined patient subgroup with higher baseline disease severity, showed there was a statistically significant greater likelihood of faster time to recovery or hospital discharge with bemcentinib added to SoC, compared to SoC alone; 88% greater than SoC, representing a hazard ratio of 1.88 95% confidence intervals (1.24, - 2.87) log-rank p=0.003 (not adjusted for multiple comparisons).
A 69% lower likelihood of progression of patients to need for any form of increased ventilatory assistance from enrolment, or to death, within 29 days, was also observed with statistical significance in this higher severity subgroup treated with bemcentinib, compared to SoC alone. A hazard ratio of 0.31 (95% C.I. 0.12, 0.78), log-rank p=0.0088 unadjusted for multiple comparisons was shown. This benefit of bemcentinib on ventilator-free survival was observed in rates of admission to Intensive Care in the UK study; four patients (14%) treated with bemcentinib in addition to SoC, compared to ten (31%) of matched eligible patients treated with SoC alone.