Mye bra info her for de som ønsker å lese seg opp på RIT
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Tror vel Betalutin som single agent i MCL ikke funker optimalt – ihvertfall om resultatene fra Lymrit er representative… (Er ikke helt vekke de resultatene, men 2 PD, 2 SD og en PR slik jeg leser det)
@InVivo: Nei, sjekka ikke linken før nå Den gav jo spekulasjonen litt mer kjøtt på beinet… Men altså, tror kanskje archer-løsningen kan funke bra her også for de som er i stand til å motta den – da får man angrepet kreften gjennom både cd-37 og cd-20
Så du ikke linken? Er som konsolideringsterapi
Gode muligheter for 1L??
Radioimmunotherapy as the first line of treatment in non-Hodgkin lymphoma
and discussed potential novel indications, and strategies such as modifying induction therapy and using rituximab maintenance to optimize the efficiency of RIT as the first line of treatment.
Our review indicates that it is more logical to postpone conventional therapies to the second or third lines of treatment instead of RIT.
Jo før jo bedre! Husker også at Lisa Rojkjaer poengterte dette under en presentasjon
This long-lasting remissions may not be achieved if the administration of RIT is postponed to the second or third lines of treatment [30–32], as higher number of prior therapies is shown to be significantly associated with lower response rate and progression-free duration following RIT in NHL patients.
Smeller denne artikkelen inn her, drukner jo bare i støyen på småprat…
Anbefalt lesning fore alle Nanonitter (og de som vurderer å bli det)
Takker for du deler! Den gikk ikke ubemerket i Småprat vil jeg påstå, hvordan kunne den med følgende closing “ Immunotherapy took the best part of 15 to 20 years to get going, ” reflected Mullen. “ Now nuclear medicine is the next immunotherapy. ”
400 MAUD up-front for en radiofarmaka deal i Kina!
Isotopen er (selvsagt) Lu177
Telix is pleased to partner with China Grand Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Holdings Limited in AU$400M strategic licence and commercial partnership for Telix’s portfolio of Molecularly-Targeted Radiation products in the Greater China market. Additionally, China Grand Pharma will make a strategic equity investment of AU$35M in Telix.
China Grand Pharma har jo vist tidligere at de har sansen for radiofarmaka etter oppkjøpet av Sirtex i 2018
Sirtex, an Australian biotech, specializes in the treatment of liver cancer with its lead product SIR-Spheres, which are radioactive beads that target high doses of radiation to liver tumors
Clinical trials oppdatert idag/igår:
2 nye sites i Paris. Nieba har jo kommentert på at de rekrutterer bra i Frankrike:
I tillegg så rekrutterer alle de 14 sites’a nå i statene. Det er gode greier.
Settes pris på at du deler, takk for info
Hva var forrige status på sitene i US?
Alle rekrutterte utenom San Fran.
Dette var nytt for meg mtp Humalutin
A companion diagnostic molecule (89Zr-Dfo-NNV003) that can be used for PET-imaging and dosimetry has also been developed for Humalutin® in collaboration with University Medical Center Grôningen (“UMCG”) in the Netherlands.
Humalutin® has undergone significant pre-clinical development and demonstrated promising activity in a variety of animal models, and enough data has been generated to support a transition into clinical development.
Fersk artikkel fra mars 2021!
The challenging landscape of aging and cancer continues to evolve as awareness increases on more effective and less-toxic treatments, and understanding geriatric syndromes predicting morbidity and mortality in older patients that may be considered in daily practice.
Veldig lovende for RIT og Betalutin at det later til å være synergier mellom CPI og stråling.
Det er jo dette fokuset AstraZeneca og Fusion har også da de satser hardt på å kombinere CPI med Fusion sin alfaemitter
To this end, radiation therapy (RT) has been shown to promote immunogenic cell-death-mediated tumor-antigen release, increase infiltration and cross-priming of T cells, and decreasing immunosuppressive milieu in the tumor microenvironment, hence allowing CPI to take effect. Preclinical and clinical studies evaluating the combination of RT with CPI have been shown to overcome the resistance to either therapy alone.