There are many plausible reasons why recruitment is tricky …as we all have debated in here.l (Covid, macro, emisjon, etc)
However, I remember when my dad got given his options, going back and forth… he decided no…. At the time I remember thinking that the ‘sell’ pitch was awful…. and my dad knows sales. Is where he shined. Anyhow , the look my father gave me in the doctors office that day, I just knew he didn’t believe in the person in front of him.
I have have a hunch Kolstad played a huge role here before. One has to know your stuff, know how to communicate with a patient, gain trust, be human. I’m sure list is even longer here…
However, human psychology with cancer patients is something one has to see to experience and understand what they go through. I wish any patient had the possibility to have their case looked at by a person like Kolstad.
Just saying is all. … I’m sure this one thing has played a factor.
Either way good luck and I am positive there will be medicine. We all need this to have that chance to save our loved ones.
I guess that’s why I am more relaxed about all this noise lately as I believe Skullerud. …. He is my type of guy.
Want to thank many in here for sharing and debating around all and nothing. I have learned a lot here!!