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PCI Biotech - 2020 1 Småprat (PCIB)

Mange gode muligheter. Har en tro på en teknologi som PCIB har forsket fram og sittet med den oppfatningen i flere år er det bittert å skulle sitte utenfor om en melding kommer som lyn fra klar himmel! Alt for å trade. Nope not me. Take it easy. At andre gjør andre valg er helt selvsagt ok.


@Snoeffelen, det er flott at @Investor og du igjen retter oppmerksomheten mot RELEASE. Har, forståelig nok, vært vel mye spekulasjoner rundt forholdet til AstraZeneca de siste ukene.

Din sekspunkts repetisjon er derfor virkelig noen Pauli ord til rett tid. Ikke minst fordi vi nå er vel sju og en halv måned ute i siste kliniske fase.

I denne sammenhengen har jeg en kommentar til verdivurderingen av PCIBs behandlingsløsning for inoperabel, ekstrahepatisk gallegangskreft. Det gjelder sannsynligheten for at den kommer til markedet.

Her opererte Arctic Securities allerede i sin første analyse (Stuffers i februar 2018) med 51 %. Dette er for øvrig det generiske tallet man kan lese ut fra tilgjengelig statistikk. Men i lys av dine seks punkter ovenfor, er det ikke lett å forstå at Arctic Securities i alle seinere oppdateringer av analysen fortsetter å bruke denne LOA-verdien.

Nøkternt og konservativt, kan man si, men her er det noe som skurrer. Slik jeg ser det, ligger denne verdien nå langt nærmere 100 enn 51.


lurer bare på hvilke rammebetingelse er standard for fastsettelse av LOA ?
mener å ha sett på forum en henvisning til nettopp dette men nettsiden det henviste til fungerte ikke.

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Nice to see that AstraZeneca is doing great


Bavarian Nordic also in the news. Thumbs up for PCI Biotech partners:



Biontech also in great shape


AstraZeneca Invest in South Korea. Could not find the date of the article though.
Could this fit for AZ looking into the RELEASE study and become a partner for PCI Biotech in Asia? AZ has also huge investment plans in China announced in November 2019.



Oslo cancer Cluster (and PCI Biotech) mentioned again as top spot incubator biotech!



du finner data bl.a. ved å google “Clinical Development Success Rates 2006-2015” (pdf hos www.bio.org).

Mer utførlig statistikk kan kjøpes hos Nature Biotechnology.

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Artikkel fra 2012


The challenge of effectively transporting molecules to a targeted area inside a cell has long stumped cancer researchers. For pharmaceutical companies, it has created a logjam, slowing down further development of a number of molecules with great therapeutic possibilities."

Head & NECK studien

“PCI Biotech, together with University College London Hospital, began performing research on human subjects two years ago. “All patients involved in the study experienced a considerable effect from the light treatment and, in most cases, the treated tumors disappeared altogether. No serious side effects were observed,” said Dr. Høgset.”


As part of a future project, PCI Biotech intends to extend its technology to treatment of metastatic cancer. The project will evaluate whether the technology can activate a person’s immune system, enabling it to attack cancer cells in more than one part of the body"

Det er dette PCIB dreier seg om.

La nå partene få drepe hverandre så mye de bare orker nede i midt-østen.
Det har de gjordt i uminnelige tider og vil vel fortsette med i lang tid enda.
Skal en vektlegge dette så må en slutte med aksjer da trusselbildet neppe vil endre seg før presteskapet er historie.

Fokus på :soccer:

Hele artikkelen

Photochemical Internalization Cancer Treatment with Minor Side Effects Closer to Reality

By Labmedica International staff writers
Posted on 24 Jan 2012 \ 37x37 [Print article\ 37x37](javascript:PopUpWin(’/?option=article_email&article_id=294738976’,430,420,1)) \ 37x37 \ 37x37 \ 37x37

![Image: Light-sensitive molecules (orange) before and after photochemical internalization (PCI) treatment. At left, the molecules are trapped within membranes inside the cancer cell. At right, the molecules have been released and can spread–along with the cytotoxic drugs–throughout the entire cancer cell (Photo courtesy of Pål K. Selbo/PCI Biotech).](https://globetechcdn.com/labmedica/images/stories/articles/article_images/_BR/20120119 - JQR638.gif “Image: Light-sensitive molecules (orange) before and after photochemical internalization (PCI) treatment. At left, the molecules are trapped within membranes inside the cancer cell. At right, the molecules have been released and can spread–along with the cytotoxic drugs–throughout the entire cancer cell (Photo courtesy of Pål K. Selbo/PCI Biotech).”)

Image: Light-sensitive molecules (orange) before and after photochemical internalization (PCI) treatment. At left, the molecules are trapped within membranes inside the cancer cell. At right, the molecules have been released and can spread–along with the cytotoxic drugs–throughout the entire cancer cell (Photo courtesy of Pål K. Selbo/PCI Biotech).

Side effects are currently the biggest drawback with any cancer treatment. A Norwegian biotech company is getting closer to creating a treatment that destroys only cancer cells, leaving other cells unaffected.

It is not hard to find a drug that destroys cancer cells. The problem lies in the fact that a drug’s active compounds kill indiscriminately, not only diseased cells die but also other cells in the body. This is why the side effects associated with conventional cancer treatment are frequently so severe.

The hope of any cancer researcher is to develop a drug that works only against a cancerous tumor–without adversely affecting the rest of the body. This objective can be attained in two ways: one is to produce targeted drugs that affect only the cancer cells; the other is to design smarter way of delivering a drug to its target without affecting other parts of the body.

A biotech company, PCI Biotech Holding, ASA (Lysaker, Norway), has been focusing on the latter approach since 2000. Researchers working on the project Fotokjemisk internalisering for Cellegiftterapi av Kreft (Photochemical Internalization of Chemotherapy) have steadily been getting closer to a solution. Headed by chief scientific officer Dr. Anders Høgset, the project has received funding under the Program for User-driven Research-based Innovation (BIA) at the Research Council of Norway.

The technology is based on light and is called photochemical internalization (PCI). It was discovered in 1994 at the Norwegian Radium Hospital in Oslo (now part of Oslo University Hospital). PCI Biotech uses the technology to direct a red laser to the area of the body where the drug is to have its effect. The light significantly enhances drug delivery to specific locations inside the diseased cells.

“But in order to achieve the desired effect from the light, we need to give the patient a photosensitizing compound,” explained Dr. Høgset. “This is a chemical substance increasing cells’ sensitivity to light. We have created and patented a molecule [Amphinex] that we inject into a patient and let circulate for a few days. Then we give the patient the desired drug. After a short while, we shine the laser on the tumor where both Amphinex and the medication are now present. When light is applied, Amphinex triggers processes within the cancer cells, substantially enhancing the effect of the drug.”

The challenge of effectively transporting molecules to a targeted area inside a cell has long stumped cancer researchers. For pharmaceutical companies, it has created a logjam, slowing down further development of a number of molecules with great therapeutic possibilities.

Patients have often had to receive higher doses of a drug than what would otherwise be necessary had there existed a way to target drug delivery to the right location inside a cell. Because of these higher doses, the side effects patients experience are commensurately more severe. “Now we have finally succeeded in finding a way to deliver cancer medications inside the malignant cells, destroying them effectively,” noted Dr. Høgset.

These cancer-killing medications pass through cancer cell membranes much more easily, which considerably increases their accuracy. It follows that doses can be reduced substantially with side effects becoming correspondingly less severe. “In the laboratory, we have managed to enhance the effect of some cytotoxic drugs by a full 50 times. We did so by administering Amphinex and directing light to the cancer cell,” explained Dr. Høgset.

PCI Biotech, together with University College London Hospital, began performing research on human subjects two years ago. “All patients involved in the study experienced a considerable effect from the light treatment and, in most cases, the treated tumors disappeared altogether. No serious side effects were observed,” said Dr. Høgset.

PCI Biotech is now going to follow-up with additional clinical research. Up to the present, PCI Biotech has focused on localized cancer treatment, for example, for mouth cancer, breast cancer, and facial skin cancer. Many cancer patients stand to benefit greatly from localized treatment, but a great number also require treatment that can attack cancer that has metastasized to other areas of the body.

As part of a future project, PCI Biotech intends to extend its technology to treatment of metastatic cancer. The project will evaluate whether the technology can activate a person’s immune system, enabling it to attack cancer cells in more than one part of the body.


Big Pharma NOVO NORDISK and PFIZER could also these BP need PCI Biotech Fimanac technology? This article from 2000 and updated 2015 describes the work regards Insulin and diabetes.


I staben har PCI Biotech erfaring med Novo Nordisk.

Lena Finnesand - Head of Clinical Operations - PCI Biotech Holding ASA …

As a CRA in Novo Nordisk Norway I acted as a Local Trial Manager with the following responsibilities: planning; including trial site selections, …

Ren spekulasjon selvsagt, men jeg tror flere Big Pharma enn AstraZeneca kan ende opp med FimaNac? Dere som virkelig KAN biotek, hva mener dere om muligheten for at PCI Biotech ender opp med flere avtaler fra andre big pharma enn AZ?


Snart en halv million aksjer omsatt. Mitt lille bidrag med en 10-er på 70 ser nå ikke så dumt ut. Ikke så bra fredagens bidrag på 78 men om få dager kan begge handler vise seg å være et kupp.
Venter på kjøpsmeldinger i fra bamse og solo ? Har dere sovna?

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Off-topic, i den grad innlegg i en småprat-tråd kan være det: Har det noensinne vært gjennomført en såkalt “G2G” (get-together) med PCIB-gjengen på Tekinvestor? Er det noe som i det hele tatt kunne vært interessant?


HVIS det blir kommersiell avtale for PCI Biotech med big pharma er det klart det blir fest på fora, for aksjonærer og pasienter🙏

Det mest opp av dagen verdiøkende er likevel RELEASE! Joker er fimavacc og fimanac. Out of the blue kan de komme. Som Arctic med sitt kursmål 78kr er det fimachem RELEASE studie det tillegges verdi.

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Tok 1k ekstra på 70 blank👍


Ser ut som vi slutter dagen under 70.
Så får vi bare håpe at nedsalget snart er over.

Det er ikke lenge siden kursen var på 24 kroner og folk NEKTET å kjøpe. Så dette er ingen krise akkurat.


Ser det ut som det??:joy:

Kan med 100% sikkerhet si at INGEN kan spå kurser på kort sikt.

Alle kan spå men ingen vet fasiten for å si det mer presist.

Hvis det hadde kommet melding som var positiv i dag???

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Hadde man vært snåsamannen så hadde det ikke vært vanskelig å være på børs :smile:

Men under 70 har jeg personlig ingen tro på. Tror derimot at de som solgte i panikk nå er ferdig.
Folk som har tro på caset, og som har midler, har bare sittet rolig for å se hvor langt den ville falle. De kommer snart på banen er mitt tips.
Men har tatt feil i det korte bildet før ( ikke i det lange :smiley:


Jeg sover ei, Arve :slight_smile:
Har også kjøpt litt i dag. Dessuten har jeg omrokkert på et par konti for å frigjøre midler.
Jeg har hatt litt penger hos Santander, Pareto,m.fl til begredelige 2,1%
Jeg har altså “ladet kanonen” i dag :slight_smile:


Tror personlig den må ned på lavt 60 tallet for å hente fart, men tar gjerne feil.