The ‘pirates’ for sure makes this very interesting indeed now, pointing out good results and BP’s smelling and tasting PCIB’s technology !! … I haven’t been this excited for a long time! Something is up for sure.
Yes ! Same feeling as Stupet and investor !! . Kinda nice to write my thoughts and read same as my post was finished. . Good luck all!
ODD gir vel typisk 100-500k USD, men PW har sakt de ikke vil ligge i det øvre sjiktet (ultra rare) så vi kan vel da anta i området 200-300K USD skulle vel være mulig(Selvsagt avhengig av endelig resultat i RELEASE).
Pål F (Arctic Securities) mentioned that he had made a conservative analysis . ODD pricing could be much higher. The stats ODD pricing did show higher median and average than these pricing. I will probably also depend on increased months alive and Quality of Life. It seems very conservative pricing in my opinion. Pål F indirectly said so as well. Can’t blame him. Conservative is much better than hype!
Blir jo feil på to måter det her.
Placebo er å tro man får noe. Spiller egentlig ingen rolle om “Placebo/kontroll” armen inneholder et medikament som kan ha en grad av effect eller ikke.
Release studien har ikke placebo i studien pga det ble vurdert til uetisk å gi belysningen/fake behandlingen til de som ikke får FimaChem, iom de da måtte holdt seg unna lys ca 1 mnd.
Så pasientene vet mao om de får kontroll eller kontroll og fimaChem -> ikke placebo
Sånn jeg ser på det så er Release-studien på en måte det motsatte av en studie med placbo. Pasienten kunne fått en utprøvende behandling med potensiell bedre virkning, får så vite at de havnet på på feil side i studien.
Kan sånt føre til motsatt placeboeffekt?
Iom OS er så lav i denne indikasjonen og blokkering er et stort problem antar jeg at en motsatt placeboeffekt ikke ville skjedd i Release uansett.
Hva tenker du som et base-case for prising gitt denne informasjonen og at resultatene reproduseres i Release? 200000-300000 $ ?
Here is a short transcript from Q3 2017 QA session
you stated that you are expecting high pricing (FimaChem), can you tell a little bit about where in the area you are talking about, are we on the high end of the high pricing or are we in the middle end of high pricing?
Answer (PW):
it will depend on what kind of results we have in the end of this technology whether we get a really strong effect with two treatments on all different aspects, quality of life and overall survivor and so on then you will have a better position to negotiate a high price for the technology. It is an orphan disease and if you look at what orphan diseases are paid, it is a big range it is a huge range. it is normally very high pricing. we will not be at the very top of that range because at the very top of that range is treatment for pediatric diseases that are really sort of life-threatening and are dependent upon to survive. but we will not be at the lowest end either. So I would say mid (range) is my answer to that. this is what we expect"
*** Comments
To be able to establish what high end odd pricing at the time PW made the comment, you can see list for 10 most expensive odd treatments in the link below, at the time of PW’s comment. If you combine this with PWcomments you can safely say that mid range is 200000 to 300000, depending on results from Release. The stronger the results the higher the price
The better the result the better the pricing, in cohort 4, we are at +11 month survival compared to SoC and maybe + 15 months in ECC subcategory as @Bra_Britt found out before. Cohort 4 dose is what is used in the Release study up to 2 times.
Et vesentlig poeng, @StockDZ. Det er ingen urimelig forventning til RELEASE-studien at forventa levetid minst vil dobles og, kanskje like viktig at livskvaliteten vil være vesentlig høyere.
For legemidler / behandlingsløsninger innenfor sykdommer definert som “orphan diseases” gir det erfaringsmessig grunnlag for høy pris - og som poengtert av flere tidligere; jo lengre levetiden forlenges og jo høyere livskvalitet som oppnås, jo høyere pris.
Generelt har svenskene og danskene innen biotek og big pharma kommet milevis lenger enn Norge. Hvorfor skal ikke norsk helsenæring kunne få like stor suksess? Krysser fingrene for norsk biotek. Oslo Cancer Cluster regnes for eksempel som en av verdens beste klynger!!
Kanskje enormt godt tegn at våre svenske naboer i Pareto har gjort jobben