Olix Pharmaceuticals oppdatert mCureX 25.10.2021
@Snoeffelen , @FiloD, @TyrionIV , @Sorlendingen , @fleksnes eller alle dere andre eminente biotekere som kan biotek. Noen som vil mene noe om samarbeidet under og siste fra AZ? Setter pris på deres kunnskap og vurderinger. Håper dere vil fortsette med det selv ved lave markedsverdier
Cooperate with companies with ….
mRNA delivery technology for target tissues
Interessant nok ble denne avtalen med Samyang i April, altså før PCI Biotech og Olix Pharmaceuticals signerte samarbeid i Mai.
In April 2021, mCureX signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Samyang Holdings Biopharm to develop a local mRNA COVID19 vaccine with excellent efficacy and shelf life.
With mCureX’s proprietary mRNA technology and Samyang’s delivery technology (DDS), rapid development of vaccine and solutions to potential virus variants are expected.
Under the agreement with Samyang Holdings, the companies will develop an mRNA vaccine for COVID-19, leveraging Samyang’s drug delivery system (DDS) which is designed to protect nucleic acids, like mRNA, that are susceptible to degradation by certain enzymes in the human body.
The DDS is based on proprietary bioabsorbable polymer technology that enables therapeutics to be safely and effectively delivered into the human body. mCureX, in collaboration with Samyang Holdings, is developing a COVID-19 vaccine that will effectively target viral variants.
I mai ble som nevnt avtale PCIB og Olix meldt (noe må vel Olix ha etterspurt når Olix skriver følgende i meldingen :
» The partnership is governed by a research collaboration agreement, under which the collaborators will perform an extensive evaluation of technology compatibility and synergy based on OLX104C (Androgenic Alopecia) preclinical studies. The companies will evaluate results achieved from this research collaboration to explore the potential for further development and partnership.
Commenting on the announcement, Dong Ki Lee, CEO of OliX Pharmaceuticals said: “We are very excited to collaborate with PCI Biotech. Combining our proprietary asiRNA platform with PCI’s leading fima NAc delivery technology will significantly accelerate our efforts to bring our dermatological RNAi programs to the clinic. We also expect to expand the area of application to our cancer immunotherapy pipeline and mRNA vaccines developed by our subsidiary, mCureX, in the near future.”
Kan det være her de etterspør PCI Biotech sin teknologi?
The field of nanomedicine research developed into several sectors focused on many areas. Poly(ethyleneimine) (PEI) has been a prominent polymer used in the development of three areas in particular: non-viral transfection, targeted delivery, and posttranscriptional gene silencing. In non-viral transfection, research is focused on increasing the efficiency while avoiding toxicity. In targeted delivery, there is a need to develop polymers with a high degree of specificity capable of maintaining a high level of drug activity. The further development of siRNA-mediated gene silencing is dependent on forming stable RNA polyplexes. PEIbased polymers will continue to be an integral part of the further development of these fields.