Helt enig
De viser bare at denne kan brukes, det er vel det vi kan kalde “generika”.
De kan ikke ta patent på denne (di- or tetrasulfonated aluminium phthaiocyanine), men det de gjør er å ta patent på metoden for å bruke Pci til å transportere mRNA. Ved å ta denne inn i patent metoden er det muligt at de lukker andre ute for bruk av (di- or tetrasulfonated aluminium phthaiocyanine) i denne metode. men det er jeg ikke helt sikker på.
Det de gør er følgende:
"In the work leading to the present invention, a specific and new protocol for light-induced mRNA delivery resulting in site-specific protein production has been developed. We show for the first time that potent light-induced protein production is achievable by combining mRNA transfection and PCI. Importantly, we have developed a protocol that is controllable in a time- and site-specific manner. Furthermore, the method avoids the use of transfection agents and the side effects caused by those agents.
The method of the invention is particularly advantageous because it is not a complex method and may be used with a variety of mRNA molecules and target cells/locations. Furthermore, the timing and location of irradiation to release the molecules may be controlled such that it is released only at the time and location that is desired to achieve the required effects. As such, exposure of cells to the various components is minimised, and undesirable side effects are minimised. This is in contrast to the standard techniques for mRNA delivery, where it is not possible to control the timing and location of the release of the various components without the use of targetting agents (which add a further level of complexity)."
De har utviklet en protokol (som patenteres), hvor de kan kontrollere hvordan leveringer foregår både tidsmæssig og sted. Altså full kontroll og safety.
De kan også levere neste alle typer agenter, og i den kombination som er nødvendig.
"In a preferred aspect the polypeptide is expressed in the cell. The mRNA once internalized into the cell is bound by a ribosome and the mRNA translated into an amino acid sequence using the cell’s gene expression machinery. The polypeptide is preferably a therapeutic molecule, i.e. a polypeptide with therapeutic properties such as a vaccine polypeptide, an antibody, an enzyme, a cytokine, a growth factor or a peptide hormone, for example.
The method may be used to introduce more than one type of mRNA molecule into a cell. In other words, mRNA molecules having different sequences can be introduced simultaneously into a cell. The molecules they express may act in different ways or interact with one another."
Dette er meget stærkt.