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Gynaecological Cancer: Peter HillemannsFluorescence from topical Hexvix can define areas of dysplasia on the cervix. Light (battery operated LED) can be delivered for PDT by a specially designed device that can also both apply Hexvix and can later be removed by the patient (Cevira). 5 hours are required to sensitize the cervix and a further 5 hours for low irradiance light delivery, but during this time, the patient can undertake her normal activities. Up to 90% responsewas seen for CIN 2, with 50 % placebo response (P<0.01) and up to 66% clearance of HPV(15% response in placebo group). A Phase IIb trial is currently under way (250 patients). Therehave been positive responsesfrom European & North American authorities about undertaking phase III studies. Financial support is neededfor a study to include 600-800 women.PDT for VIN has been shown to be at least as effective as local excision and CO2 laser vaporization (remission in 60-70%), andnot as effective as vulvectomy, but patients much prefer conservative management. PDT is also effective for lichen sclerosis. 5-ALA is effective for fluorescence detection of peritoneal metastases from ovarian cancer.

Tenker i samme baner, som ogsÄ er grunnen til at jeg har sagt en stund at vi trenger Ä se q4 og q1 rapportene i sammenheng for Ä kunne si noe mer definitivt om tallene fra q3.
Blir Ä smÞre seg med tÄlmodighet en stund til.

Klart, hvis q4 tallene kommer og slÄr ballen ut av parken blir det VELDIG spennende men det er ikke der listen bÞr legges

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Ikke daglig kost med norsk biotech pÄ amerikanske TV. FÞrste i norsk biotech historie? Samme det. Det er ikke uten grunn Photocure fÄr oppmerksomhet.


fersk artikkel. https://www.nwitimes.com/niche/get-healthy/health-care/leading-the-fight-in-bladder-cancer-care/article_c43f4626-6c81-5a1e-ae77-81223bf6b85c.html

mÄ Äpnes med VPN

utdrag"In Northwest Indiana, we are pleased to offer this technology to our patients. Patients used to have to travel to large cities or to university medical centers to have access to this treatment. We have this technology here at home.

Cysview is one of the best new tools in our fight against bladder cancer."


Jeg har kontaktet avisen og fÄr artikkelen oversendt imorgen.


jeg kan klippe ut hele greia hvis det er Ăžnskelig :thinking:

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Ville vÊrt fint, er selv ingen supermann pÄ IT og gÄr derfor direkte til avisene nÄr slikt oppstÄr :grinning:

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hÄper jeg ikke blir halshugd da:)
approximately 80,000 new cases of bladder cancer were diagnosed in the United States in 2019 with nearly 18,000 patients dying from bladder cancer.

It is the sixth-most common cancer in the country. Seventy five percent of bladder cancers are superficial or non-muscle invasive at the time of diagnosis. The remaining 25% are invasive into the deeper muscular layers of the bladder wall or have spread to other parts of the body. Risk factors for developing bladder cancer include smoking, certain occupational or environmental exposures prior radiation and male gender.

The most common presenting sign of bladder cancer is blood in the urine. Sometimes the blood is visible in the urine whereas other times blood in the urine is only noted on microscopic examination, and a person cannot see it.

Symptoms of bladder cancer can be similar to the symptoms seen with a urinary tract infection: burning with urination, frequent urination and urinary urgency.

In advanced cases, patients may have back or side pain from the kidneys being blocked by the bladder tumor, weight loss, bone pain or even skin discoloration.

The main way to diagnose bladder cancer is cystoscopy. A scope, the size of a small catheter, is inserted into the urethra and bladder. During this process, the bladder is gently stretched with fluid. This is routinely done in the office setting in a brief amount of time. Cystoscopy is performed under regular white light, the same type of lighting we see everyday from LED or incandescent bulbs.

A recent major advance in the diagnosis and treatment of bladder cancer is Blue Light Cystoscopy, or Cysview.

With this procedure, Cysview (Hexaminolevulinate) is placed directly into the bladder 60 minutes before the physician performs cystoscopy.

Cysview is absorbed by the cancer cells, and these cells will glow bright pink when seen under the blue light. This enables the physician to see some tumors that would not ordinarily be seen under regular white light. Some studies estimate 20% of bladder tumors will be missed with traditional white light alone.

Utilization of Cysview also gives the surgeon visual cues when removing the tumors through the endoscope that no tumor cells are left behind. When the surgeon resects the tumor, the surgeon makes sure there are no remaining areas that fluoresce while the patient is still in the operating room, thus increasing the likelihood that all the cancerous tissue has been removed.

Several studies have reported the benefits of Cysview. Some of these benefits include decreased chance of cancer returning and possibly reduced risks for cancer worsening or progression.

Ultimately, the patients who have cancer advance from the more superficial layers of the bladder to the deeper layers have a higher risk of the cancer spreading to other areas and dying from bladder cancer. Therefore, any technology that increases the odds of cancer detection and also decreases the chances of cancer returning or cancer growing deeper into the bladder is beneficial.

The National Comprehensive Cancer Network has recognized the benefits of Cysview and has added it to the most recent bladder cancer guidelines.

In Northwest Indiana, we are pleased to offer this technology to our patients. Patients used to have to travel to large cities or to university medical centers to have access to this treatment. We have this technology here at home.

Cysview is one of the best new tools in our fight against bladder cancer.

Learn more about Urologic Specialists of Northwest Indiana at www.urologic-specialists.com.


Takk, neida, det gÄr nok fint.
For Ä si det sÄnn sÄ antar jeg at ingen her er potensielle kjÞpere av avisen uansett, sÄ eneste dem ender opp med er gratis reklame for avisen sin.
Har lagt den ut pÄ fb gruppen sÄ da er vi i tilfelle flere som mÄ stÄ til ansvar.


Hvor lenge mÄ vi vente til det kommer reportasje pÄ Norsk TV?

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Tja, hadde ikke vÊrt unaturlig med et innslag pÄ Dagsrevyen om suksessen pÄ det amerikanske markedet.

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Jeg tror det skjer mye i q2, og det har vĂŠrt min formening siden mai/juni 2019

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Lite aktivitet her pÄ trÄden for tiden.
Vi har vel forsÄvidt diskutert det meste opp og ned i mente et dusinvis ganger og sÄ lenge det ikke meldes noe nytt er det kanskje forstÄelig.

Uansett synes jeg denne dagen endte meget bra, et flott utgangspunkt for morgendagen.
Snart bare tre uker igjen til q4 presenteres.


Apropos innslag sÄ er det veldig enkelt Ä sende inn tips til NRK :grinning:

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Fra «Heysveis» pĂ„ HO-forumet. (3/2—20. kl.12:59)

«Som jeg startet trÄden med viser dagens oversikt at KRISTIANRO omtrent har sittet i ro, mens Tycoon gjÞr det samme.
Riktignok hadde Tycoon pÄ et tidspunkt flere aksjer og min fÞlelse er fortsatt at blokken pÄ 50k frdag for litt over en uke siden var en transaksjon fra Tycoon til en av Spetalens andre konti.
PĂ„ onsdag vet vi enda mer, men de som mente at Spetalen brĂždrene hadde solgt seg ut har forelĂžpig tatt feil.
Ellers holder Pho seg bra og mulig vi avslutter i blÄtt terreng.»


Kjenner ikke til skribenten, men deler vedkommendes betraktninger.
Har selv vÊrt inne pÄ noe av det samme her i tidligere innlegg.
Selv om Topp 50 reduserer, skal en ikke se bort fra at det strammer seg til pÄ flere konti rett under det som er synlig pÄ listene, det blir kjÞpt mye aksjer og det er ikke pÄ dumping pris for Ä si det sÄnn.
Jeg synes det ulmer.

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Dagens dollarkurs bÞr slÄ hardt inn pÄ omsetningen i Pho.
Vi har vel ikke fÄtt noe svar tidligere pÄ nÄr «omregningskurs» blir satt.
Opex vil ogsÄ selvsagt Þke, da mange har lÞnn i dollar. MÄ nÄ som vi er i den situasjonen at inntekter er stÞrre enn Opex, vel dette uansett bli bra.

Regner heller ikke med at Cevira-penger er vekslet om i norske kroner pÄ et tidspunkt.


Snitt dollarkurs for kvartalet gir et veldig riktig bilde.
Har dette direkte fra Dahl


Duket for rekyl videre oppover i dag? :crossed_fingers:

Shanghai stiger 0,21% og Shenzhen stiger hele 1,74%.
USA gikk i pluss i gÄr og oljen steg 1,29%.

Det er aldri lett Ä si hvor haren hopper, men mye tyder pÄ at sentimentet har snudd oppover igjen, for denne gang.


Atlantic Urology Clinic med bruk av BLC. SÄvidt jeg kan er ikke deres klinikk(er) oppfÞrt pÄ CC.


Cysview¼ – Blue Light Cystoscopy for Bladder Cancer Detection
