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Photocure småprat (PHO) 🔦 1

Hvis PHO klarer å selge like mange kits i USA som i Europa, noe som jo ikke bør være umulig, så prater vi 130 mill i oms i USA per kvartal. Tenker dette vil skje i løpet av et par år. Hvorfor skal amerikanerne gå glipp av de farlige CIS, noe blålys oppdager i mye større grad enn hvitt lys? Det er vel egentlig en no brainer at PHO kommer til å få kraftig vekst. Hvis jeg hadde fått blærekreft hadde jeg forlangt at urologen brukte blått lys for å eliminere bort CIS, ville ikke du? Ville ikke alle?


Sikkert, hvis de kunne velge. Men de fleste pasienter vet nok fint lite om hvilke muligheter de har.

Hej Norge

Rart at se Top 20 stadig øger :slight_smile: – stor tro på selskabet.


De 50 største øker også, er nå oppe i over 64%. Hei Danmark, fint om vi tar ut 120.

Tilbake over 200 dagers snitt (ca 120) hadde vært fantastisk.


Det er den fredag!

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Photocure Regains Rights to Cysview in Canada Further Consolidating its Bladder Cancer Franchise

Press release - Oslo, Norway, 25 August 2021: Photocure ASA (Photocure, PHO: OSE) announces that it has reached agreement with BioSyent Pharma Inc. (“BioSyent”) to reacquire the marketing and distribution rights to Cysview[® ]in Canada. The parties entered into a final agreement today, stipulating that commercial rights will transfer to Photocure on January 1[st], 2022. The reacquisition of marketing and distribution rights enables Photocure’s direct management of the Cysview brand in Canada and consolidates the territory into Photocure’s existing U.S. business to form its North America sales segment.

“We are very pleased to integrate the Canadian territory into our U.S. business to form Photocure’s North America commercial segment, expanding the direct market opportunity for Cysview by approximately 10%”, said Daniel Schneider, President and CEO. “Our agreement to regain rights from BioSyent supports our strategy to leverage our commercial infrastructure and consolidate our brands in major markets. BioSyent has made great strides introducing Cysview into Canada. We are thankful for their efforts and look forward to leveraging the recently strengthened Canadian treatment guidelines and continuing the work to improve reimbursement in the region so that more bladder cancer patients have access to blue light cystoscopy (BLC[®]) with Cysview.”

In 2015, Photocure entered into an exclusive distribution agreement with BioSyent for the commercialization of Cysview in Canada. Photocure has since grown its U.S. operations and executed on its global expansion strategy by reacquiring the commercial rights to its Hexvix[®] brand and business in continental Europe in October 2020. BioSyent has served as a strategic partner in the Canadian market, building awareness and creating interest in the treatment of bladder cancer using BLC with Cysview. BLC is included in the Canadian guidelines, and reimbursement processes are at advanced stages in the main provinces of British Columbia and Ontario. Each year, there are approximately 35,000 TURBT* procedures performed in Canada and 12,000 new bladder cancer patients diagnosed[5].

Based on the new agreement, BioSyent will continue to support Cysview customers in Canada and will facilitate the start-up of new accounts during a transition period. Simultaneously, the process for market authorization (MA) transfer to Photocure will take place. BioSyent will continue active customer support and secure uninterrupted product distribution and book sales up until the MA transfer is complete.

Photocure will immediately begin the processes of setting up product distribution and fulfilling regulatory obligations and will also begin assembling the personnel needed for Canadian operations. Photocure will also begin leveraging BioSyent’s market and customer insight and integrating these insights with its own expertise in market access and sales and marketing. After the MA transfer is complete, Photocure will assume all Cysview rights and obligations in Canada and start booking sales.

*TURBT: trans-urethral resection of bladder tumors

Note to editors:

All trademarks mentioned in this release are protected by law and are registered trademarks of Photocure ASA


Eller allerede i morgen - eksemplarisk utvikling etter en overdreven reaksjon ned.

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Ser ut som en veldig smart ordning de har kommet frem til.

Biosyent har nok opparbeidet mye ekspertise i drift, men det var tydelig etterhvert at salgstallene var ikke mye å rope hurra for


Bygger sten på sten. Photocure har, under covid, opparbeidet et stadig bedre fundament for tiden som følger etter covid.

Har denne blitt postet?


En god presentasjon!

Schneider er tydelig på at oppgraderingene av skopene er veldig godt nytt. Han sier også noe om Karl Storz sine egne vurderinger av salgsvolum, dog ikke tallfestet:

“Karl Storz is in a fine position, in fact, if you look forward to their new model, that they tend to launch in early 2022, they’re quite bullish, and they’re building up a very significant inventory based on where they believe their forecast will go, and I can tell you, if they are even close to that forecast we will have a very good 2022 and beyond, and I think there is reason to be very excited about that.” (Min transkripsjon, så forbehold om små skrivefeil etc)


Enig, og han sier også at det er utplassert 4 nye skop i starten av q3.



Ontario Health recommends public funding of Hexaminulevulinate in bladder cancer – potential to enable broader access and potential funding in Canada

August 2021 – Ontario Health, based on guidance from the Ontario Health Technology Advisory Committee (OHTAC) issued a funding recommendation for enhanced visualization methods for 1st TURBT in suspected NMIBC and published it on their website this month. Based on the OHTAC health technology assessment, public funding is recommended for the use of Cysview® (Hexaminolevulinate) in 1st TURBT procedures.


Dette er utrolig positivt for utviklingen i Canada, da Ontario har et tilnærmet offentlig helse system OHIP, Ontarios health plan.


Så lenge var adam i paradis. :disappointed_relieved:

Pust i bakken etter brå oppgang i går, jeg tror denne kommer seg på sporet igjen.

Lempet ut på 122,9 og lastet igjen på 117,5-6
