Key takeaway fra meldingen til PHO sin partner:
1)signifikant social importance med full fokus fra State council i Kina, topp prioritet. Ønsker eliminere cervical cancer. Dette i tråd med Healthy China 2030 initiativ. Det viser hvor viktig det er for kinesiske myndigheter å finne en løsning for pasientene. Raskt!
2)Partneren til PHO melder at de vil konsentrere seg om APL-1702 i denne nye business enheten.
Og de sier de vil øke investeringer her.
3)Data Cevira vil bli presentert i Mars!
4)Solid bakgrunn fra kommersialisering. Øker investeringer Cevira, lager ny business enhet med senter på Cevira. Det kan tyde på svært gode resultater som skal presenteres i mars. Og Asieris investerer allerede for kommersialisering. Selvtilliten er det ikke noe å si på…Core asset APL-1702…
«Prioritizing women’s health and bolstering efforts in the prevention and treatment of cervical cancer hold significant social importance. The China National Program for Women’s Development (2021-2030), issued by the State Council, identifies “women and health” as the top priority. In November 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) released a Global Strategy to Accelerate the Elimination of Cervical Cancer. In response, ten Chinese ministries, including the National Health Commission, jointly formulated the Action Plan to Accelerate the Elimination of Cervical Cancer (2023-2030) as part of the Healthy China 2030 initiative. The objective is to achieve a 70% screening rate for cervical cancer among women of appropriate age and a 90% treatment rate for patients with precancerous cervical lesions by 2030.«
-«The new business unit will center around core asset APL-1702»
-«Sophia’s previous roles include serving as the head of women’s health at Organon China, where she led long-term business strategy, implemented multi-channel business models, and spearheaded transformative initiatives to propel business growth. She also held the position of Chief Marketing Officer at Sanofi Pasteur China. Prior to that, she dedicated 16 years to Eli Lilly China, serving as Marketing Director, Specialty and Retail, and Commercialization Head, Osteoporosis, Emerging Market. In these roles, she developed domestic and international commercialization strategies for various products.
Dr. Kevin Pan, Founder, Chairman and CEO of Asieris Pharmaceuticals, stated, “The establishment of Women’s Health Business Unit is a testament to our steadfast confidence and commitment to our gynecological pipeline, with APL-1702 as the cornerstone. This move solidifies our leadership in women’s health in China. We are confident that Sophia’s invaluable industry experience, unique business insights, and strategic thinking will expedite our strategic goal of becoming a leader in women’s health. Moving forward, we will continue to increase our investment in this field, making a positive contribution to women’s health in China and worldwide, particularly in the realm of cervical cancer prevention and treatment.”