Denne artikkelen i The New YorkTimes ble publisert / oppdatert for noen timer siden:
Utdrag fra artikkelen:
“The accusations are contained in a dossier provided to the United States government that details Israel’s claims against a dozen employees of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency who, it says, played a role in the Hamas attacks against Israel on Oct. 7 or in their aftermath.”
“The accusations are what prompted eight countries, including the United States, to suspend some aid payment to UNRWA, as the agency is known, even as war plunges Palestinians in Gaza into desperate straits.”
"The Israeli dossier, presented to U.S. officials on Friday, lists the names and jobs of the UNRWA employees and the allegations against them.
The dossier said that Israeli intelligence officers had established the movements of six of the men inside Israel on Oct. 7 based on their phones; others had been monitored while making phone calls inside Gaza during which, the Israelis say, they discussed their involvement in the Hamas attack."
Først som sist; ingenting kan så langt verken bekrefte eller avkrefte beskyldningene. Men om de - helt eller delvis - skulle bli bekreftet, så er det åpenbart et svært alvorlig brudd på statuttene for de som er ansatt i UNRWA.
De store, altoverskyggende spørsmålene som i så fall reiser seg, er (i) om det å stoppe all humanitær hjelp til befolkningen i Gaza, står i noe rimelig forhold til at nye tusener vil dø av sykdom og sult. Og (ii) vil det tjene Israels interesser på lang sikt.
Fortsatt fra N.Y.T:
“The Israeli accusations come against the backdrop of decades-long frictions with UNRWA. Since 1949, the agency has cared for the families of Palestinians who fled or were forced from their homes during the wars surrounding the creation of the state of Israel.”