Veldig mange feil i denne tråden, spesielt fra enkelte debattanter som ikke helt vet hvordan verden henger sammen, og spesielt USA.
Først og fremst er det forskjell på demokrater, men la oss bare se på partiprogrammet, og på noen simple uttalelser fra @Pablo som ikke er akkurat det demokratene står for.
We are committed to getting 50 percent of our electricity from clean energy sources within a decade, with half a billion solar panels installed within four years and enough renewable energy to power every home in the country. We will cut energy waste in American homes, schools, hospitals, and offices through energy efficient improvements; modernize our electric grid; and make American manufacturing the cleanest and most efficient in the world.
The Democratic Party supports legal immigration, within reasonable limits, that meets the needs of families, communities, and the economy as well as maintains the United States’ role as a beacon of hope for people seeking safety, freedom, and security. People should come to the United States with visas and not through smugglers. Yet, we recognize that the current immigration system is broken.
Bare for å ta et eksempel så er Somaliere veldig godt ansett generelt i USA for deres arbeidsmoral, mens det i Norge ikke er opinionens samme oppfatning. USA har alltid drevet med seleksjon innenfor innvandring, og de som kommer og vil til USA må jobbe, og de vet det. Man kan potensielt anta at det er forskjell på innvandrergrupper i forskjellige land og regioner.
The American Dream betyr å jobbe, å skape verdier, og selv sørge for å få mat på bordet for familien.
Det er veldig langt i fra sannheten.
At a time of massive income and wealth inequality, we believe the wealthiest Americans and largest corporations must pay their fair share of taxes. Democrats will claw back tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas, eliminate tax breaks for big oil and gas companies, and crack down on inversions and other methods companies use to dodge their tax responsibilities. We will make sure that our tax code rewards businesses that make investments and provide good-paying jobs here in the United States, not businesses that walk out on America.
Democrats believe that no one should be able avoid paying their fair share by hiding money abroad, and that corrupt leaders and terrorists should not be able to use the system of international finance to their advantage. We will work to crack down on tax evasion and promote transparency to fight corruption and terrorism.
Det er flere i denne tråden som helt åpenbart prater om emner de ikke har veldig god kunnskap om, akkurat det burde man la være å gjøre.