Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister

Presidentvalget USA 2024


Marjorie Taylor Greene says she “seriously hates” people who support Ukraine: “Most repulsive, disgusting thing happening”:

“I seriously hate them for doing this to the American people for paying for the murder and slaughter of people in Ukraine”


Hun her var jo tippet av en del som en mulig VP kandidat for Trump. Kanskje ikke like aktuell etter denne flausen med hennes biografi :rofl:

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Hvem vil sette to strek under denne påstanden, og samtidig kreve å bli oppfattet som seriøs?

Er ikke alt ræva under Biden?

Trump: “The GOP growth is plunging by more than 50%.”

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ALERT: House Dems just voted UNANIMOUSLY to give illegals representation in Congress AND the Electoral College. House Seats and Electoral College votes WILL BE added to areas with the most illegals (including all Biden illegals) unless Senate passes the bill. Invasion by design.

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La oss sjekke hvor du finner dette tullet… googler https://twitter.com/StephenM/status/1788379168981327912 ok

Stephen Miller

Senior Advisor to President Trump | Founder, America First Legal

Det gjelder HR 7109
Som er sponset av Representative Chuck Edwards Republican

Ganske standard å stemme nei til det meste motparten kommer med i kongressen.
Så her koker du suppe på spiker igjen.


Fakta sier mer enn 1000 ord.

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Du har delvis rett , men ikke slik du vil tror

The constitutional meaning is indisputable, a point which
settles this for those who want to follow the Constitution’s
plain text and original public meaning today. This bill will
never pass the Senate or get signed by the President and is an
insult to the great Radical Republicans who wrote the 14th
Amendment. Their party was a pro-freedom, pro-Union, pro-
immigrant party.
The census is essential to democracy. Just as the Framers
endorsed Thomas Paine’s Common Sense, they also endorsed a
common census. But this bill would destroy the accuracy of the
census, which may have something to do with the actual
legislative purpose. In the 2010 Census, the undercount of
Hispanics was 1.4%. In 2020 that number grew to 5%. Many
observers credit that increase to the Trump Administration’s
attempt to add a citizenship question to the census and all of
the intense publicity and rumor surrounding that attempt.
The addition of a question about citizenship will deter
many immigrants–not only the undocumented but persons with
green cards or other forms of lawful status–from completing
the census. Many non-citizen immigrants who are seeking asylum
or are refugees will avoid responding because of uncertainty
over their status and fear of arbitrary law enforcement action.
Extensive research over the last decade shows that many
residents wrongly believe the Census Bureau shares personal
responses with other federal agencies. It does not, and Census
Bureau employees take an oath to protect the confidentiality of
personal information. Federal law prohibits the sharing of
personal information in this way, but that pervasive worry has
prevented some individuals from answering questions about
immigration status or responding to the census at all.
Census data guide the allocation of $2.8 trillion each year
in federal assistance to states, localities, and families for a
broad range of vital services. An inaccurate census would skew
the fair distribution of federal resources for the next decade
and deprive cities and towns of needed resources for everything
from roads to hospitals and veterans’ care.
I strongly oppose this legislation, which dishonors our
Constitution and the values of our nation.
Jamie Raskin,
Ranking Member.


Raskin er totalt blåst. Ingenting han sier har noen gang vært verdt å republisere.

Hvis man ikke holder politikere ansvarlige for det de stemmer så får man de politikerene man fortjener.

Som Raskin (og Trump).

“Raskin er totalt blåst. Ingenting han sier har noen gang vært verdt å republisere.”

Dine innlegg er ikke annet enn imponerende :roll_eyes: . Hva er det Raskin sier i sitt innlegg som fortjener en slik karakteristikk ? For du har vel lest det han sa ?

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Hans argumentasjon er misbruk av kalorier. Fakta er at demokratene prøver å importere stemmekveg. Og hadde immigrantene hovedsaklig stemt republikansk så hadde demokratene hatt motsatt standpunkt. Av alle hyklere er Raskin på topp 10.


Du svarer jo aldri på spørsmål. Det virker som om du bare er tilstede for å slenge drit og komme med floskler. Hvilket minner veldig mye om presidentkandidaten du liker så godt.



Ganske fint med presidentkandidater som har konsistent analyse av andre politiske figurer:



Samme det bare de gjør som de sier og sier det de gjør.

Det må være lov å endre mening på seks år. Men jeg foretrekker at man faktisk innrømmer å ha endret mening da, så man slipper å framstå med så sterke selvmotsigelser.


Hvordan våger du å si at Trump ikke er konsistent ? Jeg har bevis for at han er det.



Kanskje du heller skulle lese lovforslaget, og ikke legge så mye vekt på hvordan en rådgiver til Trump beskriver det på twitter.

Fra linken til @Stifen over her:

"This bill requires any questionnaire used in the decennial census to include a checkbox or other similar option for respondents to indicate whether the respondent and each household member is a U.S. citizen.

The Department of Commerce must make public the number of citizens and noncitizens in each state.

The bill also requires that the statement sent by the President to Congress indicating the number of persons in each state (related to the reapportionment of U.S. Representatives) excludes noncitizens."

Dette er som Jamie Raskin grundig forklarer i innlegget til @Stifen i strid med loven, men det spiller sikkert ingen rolle om man er nok MAGA.

Ps. Noen ganger er det best å kansje gå litt stille i dørene, siden denne totalt blåste mannen har litt juridisk bakgrunn som kanskje strekker seg ut over pensum på dagens meglerskoler, og lang over gamle dagers meglerpensum.

American attorney, law professor.

He graduated from Georgetown Day School in 1979 at age 16, and magna cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa from Harvard College in 1983 with a Bachelor of Arts in government with concentration in political theory. In 1987, he received a J.D. degree magna cum laude from Harvard Law School, where he was an editor of the Harvard Law Review .[14]


Minner om at Nikkie Haley ikke lenger stiller til valg, Tolk selv.

she’s at 21.6% in Indiana with more than 70% reporting. If it holds, that would be her best showing since dropping out after Super Tuesday


Kognitivt sett den skarpeste kniven i skuffa, om du sammenligner med brødfjøla.

In a number of states, the laws allow a baby to be born from its mother’s womb in the ninth month. It is wrong, it has to change. -Donald Trump

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