Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister

Presidentvalget USA 2024

Er det mulig. Fornøyd om jeg bruker seksuelt overgrep?
Får helten din en bedre glorie da? At han er dømt for seksuelt overgrep?

Donald er en kriminell på flere fronter. Lik det eller ikke, men det er fakta.


Hvis man skal klage på noens språkkunnskaper så er det fint hvis man selv behersker grunnleggende norsk. :wink:


I juss kaller man det ett vitnemål når det er avlagt under ed i en rettsak, hvilket er noe mer enn bare en påstand. Og hadde Trump vært så uskyldig som han påstår hadde han vel forklart seg under ed han også slik han sa han skulle i starten av saken, men det ble jo plutselig ikke noe av :man_shrugging:


Ikke imponert. Herregud…

Å gå inn i et prøverom og så gå ut igjen uten å røre vedkommende er ikke seksuelt misbruk slik du prøver å fremstille det som.

Det er ordlistefeil på telefonen min Boms. Mener du det er det samme som å ikke skjønne Engelsk? Når man totalt misforstår hva Trump ble dømt for i en sivil sak og ikke skjønner at det ikke betyr kriminell da er man en som ingen bør høre på i aksjesammenheng i hvertfall. Noe jeg heller ikke har gjort og derfor spart meg for et tap på 90% av hovedstolen slik Hayen har advokert for.


Donald Trump, the president of the United States from 2017 to 2021, has been accused of rape, sexual assault, and sexual harassment, including non-consensual kissing or groping, by at least 25 women since the 1970s.[1][2] In June 2019, writer E. Jean Carroll alleged in New York magazine that Trump raped her in a department store dressing room in 1995 or 1996. Two friends of Carroll stated that Carroll had previously confided in them about the incident. Trump called the allegation fiction and denied ever meeting Carroll, despite a photo of them together from 1987 being published by the magazine.[3][4][5] In November 2022, Carroll filed a suit against Trump for battery under the Adult Survivors Act. On May 9, 2023, a New York jury in a civil case found Trump liable for sexual abuse and defamation against Carroll, but found him not liable for rape. They awarded Carroll $5 million in damages.[6] In July 2023, Judge Kaplan stated that the jury had actually found that Trump had raped Carroll according to the common definition of the word as they had ruled that Trump had forcibly and nonconsensually penetrated Carroll’s vagina with his fingers. New York state’s definition at the time defined rape as solely nonconsensual penetration of the vagina by a penis.[7] A September 2023 partial summary judgment again found Trump liable for defaming Carroll. On January 26, 2024, Trump was ordered to pay Carroll an additional $83.3 million in damages.[8]

Other litigation includes his then-wife Ivana’s rape claim during their 1990 divorce (she later recanted);[9] businesswoman Jill Harth’s 1997 lawsuit alleging breach of contract and sexual harassment (she settled the former claim and forfeited the latter); and former Apprentice contestant Summer Zervos’s claim of sexual misconduct followed by a 2017 defamation lawsuit after Trump accused her of lying[10] (she withdrew her defamation case in 2021).[11]

The allegations by Ivana Trump and Jill Harth became public before Trump’s presidential candidacy with the rest going public after the 2005 Access Hollywood tape was leaked during the 2016 presidential campaign in which Trump was recorded bragging that a celebrity like himself “can do anything” to women, including “just start kissing them … I don’t even wait” and “grab 'em by the pussy”. Trump denied behaving that way toward women and apologized for the crude language. Many of his accusers stated that Trump’s denials provoked them into going public. Several former Miss USA and Miss Teen USA contestants accused Trump of entering the dressing rooms of beauty pageant contestants while contestants were in various stages of undress. Trump had already referred to this practice during a 2005 interview on The Howard Stern Show , saying he could “get away with things like that” because he owned the Miss Universe franchise. In October 2019, the book All the President’s Women: Donald Trump and the Making of a Predator [a] contained 43 additional allegations of sexual misconduct against Trump.[12][13]

Trump has denied all the allegations against him, saying he has been the victim of media bias, conspiracies, and a political smear campaign.[14][15][16][17] In October 2016, Trump publicly vowed to sue all the women who have made allegations of sexual misconduct against him, as well as The New York Times for publishing the allegations.[18][19]


Når noen har anket er man ikke dømt etter retten i alle demokratiske land. Alle som så dommeren der skjønner at han ikke var objektiv.

Når ting kommer til høyesterett og dommeren med oppned flagg frikjenner Trump. Vil dere da si at dommeren var partisk eller gjelder det bare når Trump blir dømt?

Dobbeltmoral er det samme som ingen moral.


Er ikke dommeren , men juryen.

“Judge Kaplan stated that the jury had actually found that Trump had raped Carroll according to the common definition of the word as **they had ruled that Trump had forcibly and nonconsensually penetrated Carroll’s vagina with his fingers.”

Så her bommer du igjen. Kanskje du skal snakke ned juryen istedenfor ?


Man har en leder av rettsaken som selvsagt påvirker saken mer enn noen advokat er i stand til.

Fin dame hun der:

“​​I think most people think of rape as being sexy,” Carroll told CNN’s Anderson Cooper in 2019, before the anchor cut to a commercial break.

Trump, along with his supporters, have argued his hands were tied amid the trial as the judge barred some evidence from being shown to the jury, including the Cooper interview. Trump said last week that the CNN interview would “totally” exonerate him from a “decades old accusation.”

The judge presiding over the case also barred Trump’s legal team from arguing he didn’t sexually assault Carroll, or “that she fabricated her account of the assault, or that she had any motive to do so.” Kaplan ruled that the case would not be a “do over” of the case last year when Trump was found liable for sexual abuse, but not criminally charged with sexual assault.

Carroll also came under fire for tweets about learning “sex tips” from her dog, as well as for naming her cat “Vagina T. Fireball,” according to a 2019 Vanity Fair article, and one of her dogs “Tits,” according to the 2017 video interview with Elle Magazine.


Noen kommentar fra Trump-apologetene her om den nye videoen fra Trump med tekster om at USA skal bli et “unified reich”? Jeg går ut fra at det er woke infiltratører hos videoprodusenten som er skyld i det her, og at det på ingen måte kan spores tilbake til Trump eller hans tilhengere. Spinn i vei!


Trump satt i rettsak da den ble postet. Forklaringen ligger ute og det gjør det unødvendig å spekulere. Finn nyheter som er verdt å diskutere. Postet av anonym bruker. Delt av noen som åpenbart ikke leste skikkelig.




Ingen som blir overasket av dette lenger. De er syke syke mennesker.


Det eneste som betyr noe for Trump fremover er å fortsette med å eskalere løgnene; gjøre de til “The biggest lies, the best lies, the only true lies God ever created”.

På sidelinjen finner man kulten som heier frem galskapen, og som kjøper sko, bibler, caps, og alt hva slangeoljeselgeren har å tilby, og som sparer opp noen dollar for å få lov til bla. å bidra til å dekke advokatutgifter og bøter.


Dei er no faktisk ganske kule :slightly_smiling_face:

And a great part of the future history :wink:

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Smått utrolig, selv om det dessverre var forventet.

Nicolle Wallace on Nikki Haley endorsing Donald Trump: “We need shrinks and cult experts to explain this.” (Video: MSNBC)


Folk blir rarere og rarere, det er ikkje til å stikke under en stol lengre :sweat_smile:

Løgn på løgn på løgn. Dreieboka følges 100 %,

“It’s absolutely not true. Nonetheless, Donald Trump is trying to raise funds off of it…They followed standard protocol…for Trumpworld to claim that this was something else is just a flat out lie."

Nye muligheter for å støtte!


Hvorfor bry seg?

Former FBI Director who some blame for Trump winning in 2016, James Comey:

“You cannot sit on the sideline. I don’t care how you feel about Joe Biden, you must vote for him. Because the consequences on the other side are too severe.”


I følge MAGA var det rundt 25000 til stede. Dronebiler viser ca. 2500. Altså, kun marginalt avvik.

From New York’s ABC7 report about the Trump rally last night: “Donald Trump came to the south Bronx today to speak to some supporters and to a fair amount of empty space in Crotona Park.”

Trump vil gjerne ha de samme tennene.

Sleepy Hallow and Sheff G were indicted last May along with 30 other gang members on a 140 count criminal indictment including murder and at least 12 shootings. Sheff G recently posted a $1.5 million cash bond to get released. And here he is with Trump.


Når begynte Trump å bry seg om andre enn Trump? Hvor skal vi legge lista når det kommer til troverdighet. Retorisk spørsmål det siste om noen skulle lure.

Trump: Many of those hostages you’re waiting for are dead… it would’ve never happened if the election weren’t rigged!!!

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Lyver så det er pinlig, nei vent, det begrepet kjenner ikke MAGA. Når det viktigste er å få sementert en løgn som en sannhet så er det bare en ting som betyr noe: gjenta, gjenta, gjenta, gjenta den samme løgnen! Og kom gjerne opp med noen nye når du først får tid på tv.

Tommy Tuberville: “The unemployment rates of all people in the country were very very low under Donald Trump, but not under this president.” (The unemployment rate when Trump left office was over 6 percent – it’s now been under 4 percent for two years.)

Ellers rapporterer cbsnews:

Migrant crossings along the U.S.-Mexico border PLUNGED 54 percent in May compared to the record highs reported in December, giving the Biden administration an unexpected reprieve during a time when migration has historically surged.

Og fra Rep Lankford;

Fox Host: It was your colleagues in the Republican Party who torpedoed your border bill, not Democrats GOP

Sen. Lankford (R-OK): It was. Trump said don’t fix anything, so my colleagues looked for a reason to shoot against it