Siden finansiering ble nevnt under Q&A i Q2 webcast så tenkte jeg at jeg kunne notere det ned her; Spørsmålet er fra tidspunkt 00:36:00. Merk at noen av ordene var litt vanskelig å snappe opp, men jeg tror essensen er med;!/hegnarmedia/20210817_6
Analytiker : "Can you elaborate on how you see the financing strategy on that (Reach Remote), how is the contract negotiation going, how is banks responding to lending again to the … (uklart).
Birgitte (CFO): “We are discussing with different parties. What i can say is that the bank on one hand, they have their subsea vessel problem assets. On the other hand, you could say that they would be reluctant to be investing in new subsea assets who would be competing with the old subsea assets. But on the other hand, the USVs are coming, so the banks can choose to participate or they can choose to dont do it. And what we have seen from our banks is, and also GIEK, is that they are willing to invest, they are willing to take a risk, which is obvious, i guess our shareholders are not that interested either. So as long as we come up with a product that is tested technically, and are also commercially approved by our clients - which we are working on. This is absolutely bankable, and also we are discussing as i mentioned with potential partners , both on the financing side or the funding side, and also commercialization partners”
Som aksjonær i selskapet så vil jeg nok ha en viss subjektiv tolking av de hun sier, men i denne sammenheng så blir ikke emisjon nevnt når hun summerer opp. Hun presiserer at dette er “absolutt bankable” og at de har potensielle partnere som er interessert. Ut i fra avstemming så ser jeg at ingen har vurdert lånefinansiering som alternativet. Dersom partneravtalen er aktuell, hvordan ville eierforholdet blitt ?