Når han lister opp når de faktisk er villige til å bruke atomvåpen så høres det stort sett defensivt ut. Akkurat hva som går under punkt 4 er uklart. Mener de feks at man må angripe Russland eller holder det å angripe russiske styrker i utlandet. Uansett så høres det ikke ut som å gi militært materiell selv av typen jagerfly ville gått under dette punktet, selv om dette styres mer av realpolitikk der jeg som sagt tidligere mener at Russland ikke har noe handlingsrom som inkluderer et angrep mot NATO.
He said: “We have a special document on nuclear deterrence. This document clearly indicates the grounds on which the Russian Federation is entitled to use nuclear weapons. There are a few of them, let me remind them to you:
“Number one is the situation, when Russia is struck by a nuclear missile. The second case is any use of other nuclear weapons against Russia or its allies.
“The third is an attack on a critical infrastructure that will have paralysed our nuclear deterrent forces.
“And the fourth case is when an act of aggression is committed against Russia and its allies, which jeopardised the existence of the country itself, even without the use of nuclear weapons, that is, with the use of conventional weapons.”
Medvedev added that there was a “determination to defend the independence, sovereignty of our country, not to give anyone a reason to doubt even the slightest that we are ready to give a worthy response to any infringement on our country, on its independence”.