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Russland/Ukraina debatt 6

Hvorfor ble Zalushny fjernet? Er ikke han kompetent og godt likt?

Er dette mulig ? Dette kommer han til og tape på,jeg skal aldri kjøpe tesla.


Ukraina har gravd seg litt fast.

Kan være fornuftig å gjøre bytter.

Er spent på om USa har en finger med i spillet.

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soviet trained … bad (is he rigid, or has he embraced new tec?)
artillery officer … ok (knows how to employ them)
seen combat in Afghanistan … ok (knows how to fight)
defended kyiv… good
was the one behind the KAR offensive… good
former commander of the eastern army… good
commanded a field brigade (72nd)… good
had a job working with NATO… good
2014 was of staff of anti-terrorist ops… great
2014 was on the front line directing troops. great
is liked by most… great
Since 5 August 2019, Syrskyi has been the Commander of the Ground Forces… great

by rank he has been the highest ranking officer in the ukraine army… col general (a hold over from soviet times, no longer used but he still has)



Churchill tapte vel primært valget etter krigen pga. hans angrep på venstresiden, som var godt representert i arbeiderklassen i GB etter krigen. Og pga. av at han/de ikke klarte å legge frem en politikk som folk trodde på, siden de satset på at hans popularitet skulle være avgjørende.

Det er i alle fall slik jeg har oppfattet det ut fra hva jeg har lest, men bildet er sikkert mer nyansert enn som så.


Oppløftende å høre, og håper virkelig at det han sier stemmer.



Presidenten har i alle fall et forhold til hva som bør forbedres i deg ukrainske militæret. Det kan hende at dette er lettere å ruske opp i for en ny leder med en ny stab.

[:ukraine:Ukrainian Front]

Volodymyr Zelenskyi: I expect the following changes in the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the near future:

:pushpin: A realistic, detailed action plan of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for 2024 should appear on the table. Taking into account the real situation on the battlefield now and prospects.

:pushpin: Each combat brigade on the first line must receive effective Western weapons - there must be a fair redistribution of such weapons in favor of the first front line.

:pushpin: We need to solve problems with logistics. Avdiivka should not wait until the generals find out where the drones are stuck in their warehouses.

:pushpin: Every general must know the front. If a general does not know the front, he does not serve Ukraine.

:pushpin: Excessive and unjustified numbers in headquarters must be corrected.

:pushpin: It is necessary to build an effective system of rotations in the army. The experience of individual combat brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and units of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, where such a system exists, can be taken as a basis. Rotations are a must.

:pushpin: An obvious improvement in the quality of training of soldiers is needed - only trained soldiers on the front line.

:pushpin: In the structure of the Armed Forces, a new type of forces is being created - the Forces of unmanned systems. The first commander must be appointed.


Det er håp om at ‘Pakken’ går igjennom
Og jeg har såpass tillit til USA sin befolkning at de ikke velger Trump en gang til


We also have interesting and pretty inspiring news on the Unmanned Systems Forces, a recently established standalone branch of service with Ukraine’s military.
We better wait until it’s official, but you’re going to like it.


Tipper zaluzkhny ( jada skrevet feil). Overtar denne gjengen.


Vi får begynne dagen med de vanlige tallene:

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Dette må jeg si er bra av Norge.


Her er en morsom liten fact check av putin, bekrefter jo fint at et intervju med putin bare er propaganda og/eller løgn.

(for de som ikke gidder å klikke, hevdet putin at faren til Zelensky kjempet i WWII, men han ble født i 1947 og var altså “litt” for ung :sweat_smile:)


Han mente nok bestefaren.

bestefaren kjempet med russerne i WWII … kan vi anta denne Tucker gjør sjekk av Putins sprøyt ?

Days before Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky assumed office, he made a trip to his hometown of Kryvyi Rih. There, he visited a cemetery and laid flowers on the grave of his grandfather, Semyon Ivanovich Zelensky, who fought in the Soviet Union’s Red Army during World War II.

It was May 9 — Victory Day in Ukraine — and a day of “thanksgiving,” he wrote in a Facebook post.

“[Semyon] went through the whole war and remain[s] forever in my memory one of those heroes who defended Ukraine from the Nazis,” he wrote. “Thanks for the fact that the inhuman ideology of Nazism is forever a thing of the past. Thanks to those who fought against Nazism — and won.”

This touching statement would seem strange this week if one were to believe Russian President Vladimir Putin’s pretext for invading the country. One of the goals of the “special military operation,” as he called it, was to “denazify” Ukraine.

Putin says he will ‘denazify’ Ukraine. Here’s the history behind that claim.

The claim is ridiculous on its face. Not only is Ukraine’s leader Jewish, many of his relatives were killed by Nazis in the Holocaust.



Intervjuet gir indirekte et innblikk i hvordan Putin tenker:

Putin said the Poles forced Hitler to attack them in 1939.

Hitler just wanted to “realize his plans” and Poland was “uncooperative” and “forced” Hitler to attack and start World War II, Putin said.

And Putin says: Hitler had no choice but to start with Poland.


Hej Norge

News by Denys :grinning:

Slava Ukraini :ukraine:



Får håpe det snart kan landes av avtale.

God deal for begge land!

Ecuador intends to provide old Russian military equipment to the USA for subsequent transfer to Ukraine

This includes military helicopters, MLRS, and air defense systems manufactured in the 1990s. In return, Ecuador plans to receive modern weapons worth $200 million from the USA.

Mer fra Finland:
⚡️🇫🇮Finland sends 🇺🇦Ukraine the 22nd package of defense aid in the amount of 190 million euros.


Det ble ikke mindre viktig å få tatt Putin etter dette intervjuet. Mannen lider av vrangforestilinger. Og da kan en ikke ha en så høy stilling
Det er greit at NATO er blitt nærgående, men det kan han takke seg selv for
Jeg tror ikke de som er rundt ham er så tullete som de høres ut til. De føler vel at de må være det
Akkurat slik som det var under Stalin
Det som gjør denne situasjonen vanskelig er naturligvis disse atomvåpnene . Men en kan håpe at de som skal bruke dem evt nekter selv om de får ordre om det
I tillegg så er Putin livredd for sitt eget liv så han vil nok heller ikke gi ordre om noe slikt
Mest sannsynlig blir han avsatt ved et kupp provosert fram av befolkningen

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Tenker dette kan arkiveres i skapet for retoriske spørsmål.
