Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister

Russland/Ukraina debatt 6

Fint, men gjengen i Førbundsdagen er ikke særlig intressert, dessværre. Jeg har vanskelig å se poænget med at Ryzzland tar over østre Ukriana, men trydligvis finns det de som synes det er helt OK.

Vi burde kutte kablene til Tyskland, og avbestille en hel del militært utstyr derfra, og heller bestille fra noen som er villige til å levere.

Heller ikke amerikansk materiell burde vi kjøpe

Dessverre har vi allerede en hel del under levering


Jeg trodde vi uansett hadde en avtale med Ukraina om at vestlige våpen ikke skal brukes innad i Russland? I så fall burde det ikke være noe problem å sende disse Taurus missilene.

Men uansett… det sykeste er hvor lite vi har økt artilleri-produksjonen i løpet av disse to årene, og da mener jeg i Europa. Selv her i Norge der vi har tjent spinnville summer på olje, gass og strøm, så gir regjeringen kun 70mill av ønskede 800mill til Nammo. 2 år etter at krigen startet har vi enda ikke startet å bygge noe…

Vestlig leveranse av 155mm ammunisjon er mye mindre provoserende for Russland enn Taurus-missiler. Det kunne utgjort en stor forskjell på slagmarken, men selv dette får vi altså ikke til.


Ikke alt er mørkt:

Link til video, smeller ordentlig ca 1 min ut:


Håper det stemmer, Russland har ikke mange til overs for å si det sånn. Og alt som flytter Ukraina nærmere luft- og rakettherredømme er gull verdt her.


ikke bra…

Det virker å stemme. Fin video. :smiley:

1 Like

Ja flere melder dette nå.


Nice! Gjør veien klar for F-16 når de kommer.


Ja det er tragisk og tenke på ,men hadde ikke USA hatt stopp i våpenforsendelse til Ukraina, og at de hadde fått jagerfly mye tidligere ,tror jeg Ukraina snart hadde vunnet krigen. Hele krigen faller på Vestlig vilje .



Russer som skal ha påstått det skjedde 256 km fra fronten.

Eneste som har den type rekkevidde er det hovedsakelig britisk utviklede Meteor missilet.

Jeg tipper han tar feil av hvor det har skjedd…



Dette er jo ganske imponerende :



Rykter på telegram og Twitter om et fly nr 2 skutt ned i samme slengen. Er jo tilsynelatende 2 smell på den 1.57 lange videoen. 2 store deler av A-50 som ramler ned eller hadde den en IL med seg som sist?


Forrige gang det gikk med en av hver, var forklaringen at A50 manglet en del kommunikasjonsmuligheter eller datalinker. Det er derfor ikke usannsynlig at de fremdeles opererer i par.


Ser ut til at Ukraina bare bekrefter A-50 så da er det nok bare rykter. Uansett interessant hvordan de tilsynelatende systematisk rydder vei for å kunne utnytte F-16 best mulig.


Du fikk kanskje ikke til å klikke på linken jeg la ut? Her er i alle fall innholdet.

The use of the Presidential Drawdown Authority to direct a drawdown to provide military assistance under section 506(a)(1) of the Foreign Assistance Act (FAA) is a valuable tool of U.S. foreign policy in crisis situations. [1] It allows for the speedy delivery of defense articles and services from Department of Defense stocks to foreign countries and international organizations to respond to unforeseen emergencies. Such assistance can begin arriving within days—or even hours—of approval.

Consistent with his overall responsibilities for the direction and coordination of foreign assistance, the Secretary of State plays a central role in the initiation and coordination of these drawdowns. After initial engagement with Congress, the Secretary requests the President’s authorization to notify Congress of the intent to exercise the drawdown authority under section 506(a)(1) of the FAA and seeks delegated authority from the President to make the necessary determinations and to direct the drawdown. The Department of State is also responsible for coordinating the implementation of the drawdown with the Department of Defense. For Ukraine, the Secretary has exercised authority delegated by the President to direct 44 drawdowns of defense articles and services from the Department of Defense since August 2021, in response to Russia’s preparation to launch the February 24, 2022 full-scale invasion of Ukraine and continued war. [2]

Through this process, the United States is providing Ukraine vital military assistance to defend itself against Russia’s unprovoked and brutal aggression, which amounts to internationally condemned war crimes. In support of this effort, Congress has progressively increased the cap on this drawdown authority from $100 million to $11 billion for Fiscal Year 2022, most recently in the Additional Ukraine Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2022 (P.L. 117-128), which was signed into law by the President on May 21. Since last August, the Administration has utilized this Presidential Drawdown Authority 44 times to provide military assistance to Ukraine.

On August 14, 2023, the Department announced the first of several packages utilizing previously authorized PDA Authority. During DoD’s regular oversight of their execution of previous Presidential Drawdown Authority for Ukraine, they discovered that they had been incorrectly overvaluing the weapons and equipment in previous PDAs that had been authorized or Ukraine. DoD then undertook a review using the appropriate accounting method, which restored $6.2 billion that can be used under Congressionally authorized drawdown authority to provide arms and equipment to meet Ukraine’s urgent security requirements. As PDA is an authority, not a funding source, once notified to Congress there is no ‘expiration date’ for the provision of defense articles and services up to the value that was notified. Any additional space within the previously notified PDAs, identified as a result of DOD’s recalculation of the value of previous PDAs therefore remains available for Ukraine regardless of the end of the fiscal year.

Though the delivery of assistance under a drawdown is generally much faster than under other security assistance authorities because the Defense Department already has the articles or services in-hand, it comes with similar safeguards. The Department vets Ukraine’s security force units nominated for assistance under the drawdown. In compliance with the Leahy law and in coordination with the Government of Ukraine, the Department works to ensure assistance does not go to units credibly implicated in gross violations of human rights. As with all transfers of defense articles and services to partners under the FAA, Ukraine is bound by an agreement with the United States not to transfer such items to third parties or unauthorized users. In addition, the Department of Defense leads a technological security review to determine what items may be transferred without putting the U.S. warfighter’s edge at risk. The Department is confident in Ukraine’s commitment and ability to uphold these agreements.

The authority to provide military assistance through a drawdown has been used to support Allies and partners in crisis all over the world. It remains the U.S. government’s most responsive tool to rapidly transfer U.S. military and other equipment in an unanticipated emergency that cannot be addressed by other means.

A summary of the U.S. military assistance provided under drawdowns for Ukraine is available in our fact sheet on U.S. Security Cooperation with Ukraine .

Use of Presidential Drawdown Authority for Military Assistance for Ukraine - United States Department of State

Det her har du forsåvidt helt rett i. Men det er MAGA delen av partiet som drar i den retningen. Problemet for de som evt setter seg i mot er gjenvalg. De må da sloss mot både demokratene og republikanerne. Blir hardt.


Det kan være en sammenblanding med en annen mulig nedskyting nordøst i Ukraina.



210 km fra fronten. Hva skjøt den ned? Pac-2 har 160km+ rekkevidde. Mulig? I så fall vil ikke disse flyene kunne gi Russland mye radar dekning uten å bli skutt ned.

Godt inne i Russland

S-200 som skjøt det ned?


GUR sier at Ukraina brukte eldgamle S200 til å skyte ned A50 flyet. Det er teoretisk mulig, men kan også være trolling fra Budanov.