Det var det jeg misstenkte.
Venstreekstremister elsker Russland, og man må ikke glemme at franskmenn nylig stemte frem venstre-alliansen New Popular Front (i et forsøk etter å hindre at innvandringen til landet blir begrenset).
New Popular Front inneholder blant annet tidligere kommunist og Putin-venn Jean-Luc Mélenchon (lederen av France Unbowed). Er det ikke merkelig at mediene har laget så mange saker om hvor Putin-vennlig Marine Le Pen (National Rally) er, men samtidig har vi hørt veldig lite om hvor Putin-vennlig Mélenchon er?
Et lite utdrag fra wiki:
Mélenchon initially supported the 2014 Russian annexation of Crimea, stating that “Crimean ports [were] vital for Russia’s security”, and that Russia was taking “protective measures against an adventurous putschist power”, also alleging that Ukraine was influenced by neo-Nazis.
He further opposed imposing sanctions on Russia, and as a member of the European Parliament, voted against all forms of cooperation with Ukraine, including on science.
In 2015, Melenchon referred to Ukraine as a country “struggling to be one”.
During the 2021–2022 Russo-Ukrainian crisis, he said that Russia “…must not cross Ukraine’s borders”, while stating that the United States should not “annex Ukraine into NATO”.
Melenchon criticised the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, although he blamed the cause of the conflict on what he termed as NATO “pushing ever closer to [Russia’s] borders”, and opposed delivering arms to Ukraine.