Det har blitt hevdet at alt Trump og Musk gjør er innenfor lovverket, at de bare gjør som lovet og står på valgløftene, at Trump ikke er autoritær, osv.
Men hva skjer når presidenten ignorerer domstolen? Når presidentens har kontroll over US Marshal Service?
Og hva syns tekinvestor om at DOGE fryser all finansiering til bl.a. viktig kreftforskning?
Artikkelen beskriver hvordan Trump-administrasjonen fortsetter å håndheve et finansieringsstopp ved National Institutes of Health (NIH) til tross for at dette bryter med to føderale rettskjennelser.
Tiltaket begrunnes med behovet for å sikre at finansiering er i tråd med Trumps executive orders DEI og «woke gender ideology.»
The funding freeze at NIH puts all of the research the agency funds at risk. As the primary funder of biomedical research in the United States, NIH-funded research includes everything from cancer treatments to heart disease prevention to stroke interventions
Despite both of these injunctions, NIH staff was prohibited from issuing virtually any grant funding - including funding for multi-year grants that have already been approved and partially disbursed
David Super, a professor at Georgetown University Law Center and an expert on administrative law, told Popular Information that the Trump administration is in contempt of court and the continued funding freeze at NIH is completely unlawful
On January 31, the federal judge overseeing the case brought by 22 states issued a TRO. The Trump administration is restrained and prohibited from reissuing, adopting, implementing, or otherwise giving effect to the OMB Directive under any other name or title
The federal judge overseeing the case brought by 22 states found that the Trump administration had not fully complied with the January 31 order. The judge issued a new order directing the Trump administration to immediately end any federal funding pause.