Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister

Småprat 2

Det slutter jo aldri :sob:

Kash Patel: Ny FBI-direktør

Bannon: ‘Oligarchs’ will abandon Republicans

«They seek power. Right now, their feeling is they can see the math and they see that we have a built-in coalition,” he continued. “So they’re with us … but only temporarily.»


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Trump kan jo bare be sin nye bestis om å slutte å krige i noen 6mnd så kan sikkert Ukraina få til å holde et valg.
Musk har vel fått mye fritid nå som han ødelegger alle etater som har pågående undersøkelser av selskapene hans. Nothing to see here. Er jo ingen problemer med conflict of interest.


Hvite Hus med melding for kort tid siden om hvordan de ser frem til å slå snart 51 første stat Canada i ishockey i natt.

Samt stuntet hvor det legger ut klipp på Instagram hvor man filmer deportering av “illegale innvandrere” og kaller det ASMR.

Det er så smakløst altså.


Jeg så ikke den melding, men det gikk nok ikke som de hadde tenkt seg for Trudeau la nylig ut denne:

Edit: Sett på tribunen :star_struck: :joy:


Musk sitter i CPAC-møte med solbriller og sliter med å få fram hva han prøver å si:

Samtidig sitter eksen og sender ut meldinger på X fordi det er umulig å få kontakt med ham, og fordi han ikke tar ansvar på hjemmebane:


Many diseases, even epidemic ones, have zoonotic origin and measles, smallpox, influenza, HIV, and diphtheria are particular examples.[83][84] Various forms of the common cold and tuberculosis also are adaptations of strains originating in other species.[85][86] Some experts have suggested that all human viral infections were originally zoonotic.[87]

I Amerika, så hadde de ikke husdyr i samme skala som i resten av verden (de dyrene de hadde tilgang på likte seg ikke i fangenskap/lot seg ikke temme), så når Amerika ble “oppdaget” og de ble utsatt for alle disse sykdommene samtidig, så gikk det dritt for hele befolkninger og kulturer.

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Her er min siste blodprøve om noen er interessert. Kosthold per dag: ca 1kg kjøttdeig av gressforet storfe eller lam, masse vann og salt og 2-3 dadler.

Gikk dessverre tom for leverkapsler en uke før blodprøven, så vet ikke hvordan det påvirker resultatet.

MDG sin 4D-sjakk er altså så langt over mitt nivå at jeg bare må bøye meg i støvet. I farten ble jeg faktisk litt poetisk inspirert - Helt uten bruk av GPT (faktisk sant)!

O store hellige Grønne Skifte
Kom med pisken til min rygg
La meg lide
La meg gråte
La trengsel ramme
Og viljen lamme
Så kan jeg sove trygt i smerte
Og drømme søtt om lobotomi


Edit: gjelder Trondheim


Så hvis alle bare holder seg hjemme og ikke drar på jobb eller besøker hverandre eller har aktiviteter så hadde det vært det aller beste, hjertelig hilsen MDG


Enda en med samme talkingpoints som meg. Denne gangen heter han Ola Grytten.

For hva sier du til 443 prosent toll på melk og 344 prosent på biff. Eller 429 prosent på kjøtt av lam. Det er nemlig det importørene må betale for å kunne selge disse produktene i Norge. I tillegg kommer 15 prosent matmoms på toppen.

Spør du meg, kaster Norge stein i glasshus for tiden. Vi er på mange områder et frihandelsland, men på andre områder er vi langt fra et frihandelsland. Hadde Trump eller noen annen administrasjon foreslått slike tollbarrierer, hadde det skapt krigsoverskrifter, sier Ola H. Grytten, professor i økonomisk historie ved Norges handelshøyskole (NHH).

– Jeg ser at Trump vil gjennomgå hvor mye USA betaler i toll til andre land og gjerne innføre samme tollsatser. Man kan kritisere ham for det, men da bør man kanskje se seg i speilet. Det er lett å miste en del perspektiver.

– Det er ikke så tatt ut av luften som folk tror, at han plutselig kom på dette.


Da fikk vi et lite stykke av hjertet til Steve Bannon slengt etter oss på CPAC møtet i natt.

Har dette blitt den nye dabbingen for boomers? :sweat_smile:


Want to see a murder?

Libs in the White House press corps screamed at Trump’s Deputy Chief of Staff Stephen Miller that Elon Musk is “unelected!”

What happens next is a fatality.

I promise you - this is the single best video on the internet today:



Intervju med Marco Rubio.



Uten tvil mange statsansatte og byråkrater som velger eller blir tvunget til å gå. Boligprisene i og rundt Washington DC stuper.

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Biten som har med Ukraina å gjøre.

QUESTION: You told reporters in Saudi Arabia that there hasn’t been regularized contact with the Russians in three and a half years. How much ground was lost under the Biden White House?

SECRETARY RUBIO: Well, there was no ground. I mean, it was all lost. We had no – three things that people have to understand. The first is even at the height of the Cold War, even in the worst days of the Cold War, the United States and the Soviet Union had communication. And the reason why from a – if you want to be mature and grown-ups about it, I’m not a fan of most of what Vladimir Putin has done, and that’s largely irrelevant when it comes to statecraft, because we ultimately have to be able to talk to a nation that has, in some cases, the largest tactical nuclear weapons stockpile in the world and the second largest, if not the largest, strategic nuclear weapons stockpile in the world. So, you have to have – I mean, at the end – whether we like it or not, Russia is a power, a global power, and they’re involved and engaged in Syria; they’ve been involved and engaged in the Middle East; even in the Western Hemisphere, certainly in Europe. We have to have some communication with them.

So, step one is our embassy in Moscow is barely functioning. I mean, it literally barely operates because it’s been denied access to the banking system. That has to be fixed. If we close our mission in Russia, we have to close their mission here, and then we really have no communication with them, whether it’s a detained American or some other item.

The second is the President has been very clear: He wants this war with Ukraine to end, and he wants to know are the Russians serious about ending the war or not serious about ending the war. The only way is to test them, to basically engage them and say, okay, are you serious about ending the war, and if so, what are your demands. Are your public demands and your private demands different? We have to have some process by which we engage in that conversation. Now, it may turn out that they don’t want to end the war. I don’t know; we’re going to find out. But we have to have that process to determine that, and so our meeting was really a follow-up to President Trump’s conversation with Putin.

It’s unfortunate that some of this hyperbole and some of this hysteria because he talked to him on the phone has clouded some of the rationale behind this. At the end of the day, we have to have relations with Russia, whether we like everything they’re doing or not, because we did with the Soviet Union – and we have to be able to test and see if they’re serious about ending this war.

QUESTION: In your meetings did the Russian foreign minister make clear that there can be no end to the war if Ukraine joins NATO?

SECRETARY RUBIO: Well, there was no discussions about any details. Now, the Russians have their own readout of what happened, but I can tell you we did not negotiate any fine points about any deal. The course of that conversation was as follows: number one, we have to – some level of regularization just of our diplomatic missions, because we have to be able to communicate with them given the nature of our two countries and the importance that we have in the world. The second is there are things we could cooperate on geopolitically, potentially. I mean, there are items of the world where I think we have a common interest. I’m not sure the Russians are fans of the Iranian regime having nuclear weapons, as an example, and so forth.

But we can’t work on those things – we’re going to disagree on a lot, but we can’t work on the things we might potentially agree on or deconflict on things that could lead to dangerous confrontations as long as this Ukraine impediment stands in the way. And so really, as much as anything else, this meeting was: Are you interested in even talking about ending the war? If you are, then let’s create a process where we can begin to engage at a technical level, and that process will now, at some point, be set up and begin.

I also think, by the way, it’s unfair to say that we didn’t consult anybody on it.

QUESTION: I was just going to – I was just going to ask you.

SECRETARY RUBIO: Let’s talk about that.

QUESTION: Ukraine was not at the talks. Are you consulting with President Zelenskyy about his red lines?

SECRETARY RUBIO: Well, just in the last week, okay, President Zelenskyy has met with the Secretary of the Treasury, the Vice President of the United States, the Secretary of State, bipartisan delegations in the U.S. Senate and House that were also in Munich. Our special envoy is there today meeting with him. So, they – we talked to the Ukrainians throughout this process, and we explained to them very clearly what our intentions were in terms of pursuing this. In fact, the President of the United States spoke to Zelenskyy right after he hung up with Putin. I was in the office for both phone calls. So, to say that we haven’t consulted with them is not accurate. It’s not true.

It’s also not true that we haven’t consulted with our allies in Europe. I personally spoke to the five foreign ministers right after my meeting with the Russians and walked them through what had happened. We talked to them before those meetings, the same five, plus the G7, plus the EU and all the other meetings we had in Munich. So, this is just not accurate.

But that was a meeting to largely determine whether they were interested or not in finding a way to end this war, and so —

QUESTION: Are they interested?

SECRETARY RUBIO: We’re going to find out. I mean, I tell people peace is not a – is not a – it’s an action. It’s not a noun, it’s a verb, it’s an action. You must actually pursue it. So, at the end of the day, they’re either interested or they’re not. If the demands they make for ending the war are maximalist and unrealistic, then I think we have our answer. If, on the other hand, there’s any opportunity to pursue peace, we have to do it.

And I think people – I really am sort of puzzled. Generally, in diplomacy, people who are seeking to end the killing and the harming of thousands and thousands of people in war are usually celebrated for an effort to end the war. If it was just the Vatican who was involved in these talks, who would criticize it? For the President of the United States to be engaged in finding whether there’s the possibility of peace should be celebrated, not condemned. But anyway, that’s the – kind of the world we live in right now.

QUESTION: Did the U.S. delegation make clear to the Russians that there are no guarantees about the retention of territory they have annexed from Ukraine?

SECRETARY RUBIO: We didn’t engage in any specifics about territories, none of these, because that wasn’t the purpose of that meeting. The purpose of the meeting was to determine whether there was a real interest in discussing peace or not. If there is, then it’s a process that that can begin. And I also think it’s silly to say, well, the Ukrainians are going be cut out or the Europeans are going to be cut out. You can’t – you can’t find a stop to a war unless both sides and their views are represented. They both have to agree to it. Like, Russia can’t agree to a ceasefire or to an end of hostilities if the Ukrainians don’t agree to it. It has to be on terms acceptable to both sides.

Likewise with the Europeans. The Europeans and the EU have their own set of sanctions on Russia. Even if we lifted all of our sanctions – which none of that was discussed – the Europeans would have to lift sanctions too in order for something to be possible. So, they all have to be consulted at some point, but we’re just not at that stage yet.

QUESTION: So, what’s the signal, Secretary Rubio, that the Russians are serious about peace?

SECRETARY RUBIO: Well, the signal – I can’t answer whether they’re serious about peace or not yet. That will have to be determined by the attitude they take moving forward. The only thing we agreed upon is that we’re going to talk about peace. What they offer, what they’re willing to concede to, what they’re willing to consider will determine whether they’re serious about peace or not. We’re just not at that stage yet.

QUESTION: When President Trump posted that President Zelenskyy is a dictator without elections, what are you thinking?

SECRETARY RUBIO: I think President Trump is very upset at President Zelenskyy and – and some – and rightfully so. Look, number one, Joe Biden had frustrations with Zelenskyy. People shouldn’t forget it. There are newspaper articles out there about how he cursed at him in a phone call because Zelenskyy, instead of saying thank you for all your help, is immediately out there messaging what we’re not doing or what he’s not getting.

I think the second thing is, frankly, I was personally very upset because we had a conversation with President Zelenskyy – the Vice President and I, the two – three of us. And we discussed this issue about the mineral rights, and we explained to them, look, we want to be in a joint venture with you – not because we’re trying to steal from your country, but because we think that’s actually a security guarantee. If we’re your partner in an important economic endeavor, we get to get paid back some of the money the taxpayers have given – close to $200 billion. And it also – now we have a vested interest in the security of Ukraine. And he said, sure, we want to do this deal; it makes all the sense in the world – the only thing is I need to run it through my legislative process, they have to approve it. I read two days later that Zelenskyy is out there saying: I rejected the deal; I told them no way, that we’re not doing that. Well, that’s not what happened in that meeting. So, you start to get upset by somebody – we’re trying to help these guys.

One of the points the President made in his messaging is it’s not that we don’t care about Ukraine, but Ukraine is on another continent. It doesn’t directly impact the daily lives of Americans. We care about it because it has implications for our allies and ultimately for the world. There should be some level of gratitude here about this, and when you don’t see it and you see him out there accusing the President of living in a world of disinformation, that’s highly, very counterproductive.

And I don’t need to explain to you or anybody else Donald Trump’s not – President Trump’s not the kind of person that’s going to sit there and take that. He’s very transparent. He’s going to tell you exactly how he feels. And he sent a message that he’s not going to get gamed here. He’s willing to work on peace because he cares about Ukraine, and he hopes Zelenskyy will be a partner in that and not someone who’s out there putting the sort of counter-messaging to try to hustle us in that regard. That’s not going to be productive here.

QUESTION: What’s the timeline for a meeting between President Trump and President Putin?

SECRETARY RUBIO: Well, that topic came up in our conversation with the Russians. And what I said – I know that now they’re saying that they said it, but we actually said it – and that is, well, there isn’t going to be a meeting until we know what the meeting is going to be about. I mean, this is not —

QUESTION: Do you expect it later in 2025?

SECRETARY RUBIO: I don’t know the timing of it. But a meeting between President Putin and President Trump has to be a meeting about something. We have to know what that meeting is about, what’s going to be achieved at it. You don’t generally have these meetings until you know some outcome, or some progress has been made.

So, I think when that meeting happens will largely depend on whether we can make any progress on ending the war in Ukraine, and if we can and that meeting is what seals the deal, I think everybody should celebrate that President Trump is a peacemaker. He’s the only global leader right now that can make this happen, the only global leader —

QUESTION: Why do you say he’s the only one?

SECRETARY RUBIO: Well, because others have tried and have failed. And there was an effort in Istanbul a couple years ago, and it involved a number of European countries, and it failed. It didn’t lead to a result. No – this war is now going on its third year. Where – what global leader now could engage in this and actually even bring Putin to the table? Maybe we’re not successful either, but right now we’re the only ones that – through President Trump that have any chance. Maybe the chance is 1 percent. I don’t know. Maybe the chance is 90 percent. But he’s the only one that can even test that proposition, and everyone should recognize that and celebrate the fact that he’s willing to do that early in his presidency. He’s willing to do it. No one else is willing to do it and no one else right now apparently can.

Om Marco Rubio (fra wikipedia)

Unlike many of other Trump’s other cabinet nominations, Rubio’s attracted little controversy. He was praised by both Republicans and Democrats.[224]

The Senate Committee on Foreign Relations unanimously approved his nomination and the Senate confirmed him a few hours later by a vote of 99 to 0


We care about it because it has implications for our allies and ultimately for the world.

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Syns det kom frem mer nyanser der enn i alle artiklene MSM lager ut av materialet. Mye i tråd med hva jeg hadde plukket opp selv.

La ut denne på Ukraina tråden før i dag. Men tenkte da ikke så mye over at det faktisk er en Murdoch/News Corp (som altså også eier Fox) som er eieren.

Så det interessante spørsmålet er om det er en begynnende skille mellom trump og Murdoch? Murdoch liker jo å holde med flertallet, og han/de synes kanskje det er litt far-out nå?


Konservative medier er ikke like allergisk mot å printe kritikk der kritikk bør printes.

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Og her tar forhåpentligvis virkelighetsoppfattelsen parti med enkel fornuft på bakgrunn av ugjendrivelige fakta, med mindre man er totalt MAGA: