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Targovax - Småprat 2 (TRVX) 1

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Den ble postet her første gang 20. desember av @Guny såvidt jeg kan se:



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Så du det da?

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Tror det ja …

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Ja, den har vært der en god stund

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Onkolytisk virus er hot


Skal bli spennende å se hva Damian Marron får til nå etter at Targovax har levert sterke data i 2 indikasjoner + at OV er i godt driv for tiden.

Har du hele artikkelen btw?


Desverre, blir litt for dyrt.

Håper billigsalget er over nå, på tide med opptur start om dette skal være i mål på to måneder :wink:


klippet ut:

While standard therapy may be nearing its peak efficacy, the addition of new agents and modalities is crucial [4]. Novel therapies are likely to focus on a few key aspects: local delivery of therapeutic doses, optimization of the tumor’s immunologic milieu, stimulation of an antitumor immune response and enhanced tumor cell death. Chemotherapeutic advances may provide a window of opportunity for another promising treatment modality: oncolytic viruses.

Oncolytic viral (OV) therapy has been pursued in cancer therapy since it was discovered roughly a century ago, when it was noted that viral illnesses induced remission in patients with leukemia and lymphoma [5,6]. OV therapy has long been an appealing adjuvant approach as it utilizes a live, obligate intra-cellular organism that exploits host machinery and genetic changes unique to cancer cells. OV vectors are able to infect cancer cells specifically, replicate and lyse the cells [718]. The resulting viral progeny are then able to spread within the tumor and propagate the effect. In addition to direct tumor killing, viruses are immunogenic, with the potential to stimulate a long-term host response to the tumor. OVs have progressed to clinical trials based on their favorable safety profile and antitumor activity in preclinical studies.

Enthusiasm for the advancement of OV therapy stems from its potential to efficiently kill cancer cells in an immunostimulatory manner. OVs effect multifaceted tumor cytotoxicity. Viral infection and replication induce cellular stress that causes cell lysis [19,20]. OVs are also known to both infect tumor endothelium and inhibit tumor angiogenesis, depleting the tumor’s supply of oxygen and nutrients, which results in additional cell death [19,21]. Regardless of mode, cell death as a result of OV therapy is immunogenic via the release of large amounts of tumor associated antigens and other danger signals [19,2226]. It is this potential for long-term antitumor immunity that continues to encourage new approaches with the hope of achieving clinical efficacy in OV therapy.

Er vel noen år denne ?? men spennende lesing

Lykke til


Ny selskapspresentasjon for januar:


Har du gått gjennom den nye presentasjonen med lupen @Krieghoff?:wink:

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Jeg har sett gjennom den, og lurer på om følgende uttalelse er ny ref Melanom:

Systematisk (Abscopal) effekt er observert i flere (multiple) tilfeller. Jeg trodde det kun gjaldt for et stk tilfelle i andre cohort, men nå refereres det til tilfelle i både 1 og 2.cohort.

(Det er kanskje en selvfølge at CR’n i første cohort opplevde dette siden han ble CR (?), men for meg oppleves ordet «multiple» som nytt i betydning flertall med denne unike effekten)

Any thoughts?


Ikke enda. Men er så absolutt på to-do listen iløpet av særdeles kort tid :stuck_out_tongue:

Strengt tatt kaster jegvekk dyrebar tid med å savre deg her inne :wink:


"Two patients where a non-injected lesion completely disappeared"

Dette gjelder 2 stk fra cohort2. Det var abscopal effekt i cohort1 også men aldri completely disappeared.


Kan noen utdype hva Iovaxis har brukt et år på?

Jobber de preklinisk?

Om de velger å bruke opsjonen, vet vi noe mere om når milepæl utbetalinger vil være eller når de evt kan få noe ut i markedet som vil generere royalties?

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Fra q1 presentasjonen:

For TG, if you could describe a bit more where we are in the process with IOVaxis and the work there. So what we’re doing now, we are collaborating on the IND filing. There is communication with the Chinese FDA and [NDA]. And we are also negotiating the final collaboration and licensing agreements. So that’s ongoing.
Yes. Is there a milestone payment from IOVaxis both at the exercise option and with the start of Phase II?
So there is an exercise fee. So if they decide to execute or exercise their option, then there is payment to Targovax. And also, if their Phase I trial is completed, there is the payment to Targovax, but not at the start of the Phase I trial. So I guess that’s – and then, yes, a bit more on the deal structure. So I think in all these types of collaborations, where you sort of – that you need to still develop the compound, it’s fairly back-loaded deal, so to make sure that the company has funds available to really develop the compound.

Fra q2:

IOVaxis is a Chinese biotech company focused on development of vaccines. And they have taken a regional license or an option to license TG01 and TG02 vaccines for Greater China and Singapore. And the idea is that they will run clinical development locally and eventually take it to the market there. Now this option is pending an approval to start the clinical trial in China. That work is underway. Documentation is being filed with the Chinese authorities and pending an approval to go ahead. We anticipate that IOVaxis will exercise this option. Now due to the corona, COVID-19 situation, the lead times for regulatory feedback in China is and I think everywhere in the world is somewhat delayed, and that’s also what’s happened here, but things are progressing, and we expect a decision in the next months.


Takk for svar.

Så skjønner jeg det riktig så er IOV-04 tagovax sin TG å denne er nå godkjent for oppstart fase 1?

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Ting kan tyde på det, men ingenting er sikkert før vi får melding om at opsjonen er utøvd😊

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