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Targovax - Småprat 2 (TRVX) 1




Den var nyere ja. Det ser enda mer lovende ut. Lover godt for Targovax!

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durvalumab, in combination with cisplatin and pemetrexed for the first-line = 70% OS 12 mnd.
Oncos + in combination with cisplatin and pemetrexed for the first-line = 64% OS 12 mnd. (Klipp og lim😁)
Når vi legger på Keytruda, så er det «game set match»


Ja. Det spørs hvordan AZ reagerer på dette:

Valget av Merck som samarbeidsparter i Mesotheliom (Trvx hadde flere å velge mellom) kan potensielt ha vært det beste valget ledelsen/Soug har tatt så langt. :slight_smile:


Standard-of-care treatment for malignant mesothelioma could change significantly, depending upon the results of an upcoming clinical trial of two immunotherapy agents used in combination with chemotherapy.

The clinical trial will involve pembrolizumab, also known by the brand name Keytruda and its synergy with ONCOS-102, a lesser-known, genetically modified adenovirus.

Individually, both have shown modest efficacy for mesothelioma patients when used with chemotherapy. Together, there is potential for a much greater impact in significantly extending patient survival.

The clinical trial is a partnership between Targovax, a Scandinavian biotech company that produces ONCOS-102, and the pharmaceutical company Merck & Co. Inc., which manufactures Keytruda.


“We could end up with a very powerful immunotherapy combination,” said Dr. Magnus Jaderberg, chief medical officer at Targovax. “Standard of care will likely change in the next couple years. There is a good chance ONCOS-102 could be part of that.”


HEI.hvorfor er targovax så lav kurs ? bergen bio ligger på ca30 kr 3dobelt hvorfor?? og om targovax lykkes hvilken kurs tror dere vi kan se sånn ca?

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Du kan ikke bare se på aksjekursen. Du må gange den med totalt antall aksjer i selskapet for å få den totale verdien markedet priser selskapene til pr i dag. Targovax prises nå til ca 640 millioner kr, mens BgBio prises til 2,6 milliarder. Circa 4 ganger mer, altså. Hvorfor det? Slik vurderer markedet fremtidsutsiktene til selskapene pr i dag. Ingen av selskapene har inntekter pr i dag, så her det graden av tro, håp og kunnskap om teknologien som bestemmer. Prisforholdet kan raskt endre seg dersom det kommer nyheter av betydning. Gode resultater i tester, utprøvinger (som kan være positive eller negative… Interesse eller bortfall av interesse fra større aktører. Slike ting spiller inn. Det kan ende med 0, med 1000(vis) kr, eller et sted imellom dette. Lykke til!


takk for svar.så bare at antall aksje var ganske likt på dem to.derfor jeg spurte.


Har kikket litt på Første linje behandling av mesothelioma og linkene delt over og syntes det er bemerkelsesverdig at standard of care (Chemo) har høyest mPFS (7.2 mnd) og lavest mOS (14 mnd).

BMS og AZ hadde begge under 7mnd mPFS men mOS på 18.1mnd (Checkmate-743->BMS) og 21.1mnd (Dream->AZ).

AZ setter straks igang sin “Dream3r” studie med 480 pasienter: (NCT04334759)

Så gjenstår det å se hva Merck rapporterer og gjør når både BMS (godkjent 1 linje) og AZ har rapportert data:

The IND-227 (NCT02784171) study has been initiated to determine the value of pembrolizumab in the first line. The estimated primary completion date is August 2020;

Tipper Keytruda også straks vil bli godkjent som førstelinjebehandling, men det jeg er mest spent på er mPFS og mOS. Selv håper jeg at de rapporterer noe lavere enn AZ sin mOS på 21.1mnd, slik at de blir “nødt” til å satse på ONCOS-102:

Interessant at Targovax + Merck velger Median PFS når alle over (Merck, AZ, BMS) har Overall Survival som primær endepunkt. Noen som har noen tanker rundt dette valget( Særlig med tanke på at control arm til BMS hadde bedre mPFS enn Experimental arm)?


Har dere tenkt på at Merck sikkert kunne tenke seg å prøve en ny trippelcombo i pancreas?


Og sikkert i colorectal også, da med Tg-02.

Kan bli full fyr i Trvx hvis TG står opp igjen fra de døde🚀


Ludwig Cancer Research and the Cancer Research Institute (CRI) announce the initiation of a clinical trial to evaluate the combination of ONCOS-102, an experimental anti-tumor virotherapy, with the checkpoint blockade antibody IMFINZI® (durvalumab) for advanced ovarian and colorectal cancers.

The Phase I/II trial, which has completed enrollment and the safety evaluation for the first patient cohort, could ultimately enroll as many as 78 adult patients in a multi-center program at leading academic centers including Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSK), the Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center at the University of Miami (UM/Sylvester) and the University of Virginia Health System (UVA). It is chaired by Ludwig and CRI investigator Dmitriy Zamarin of MSK. Kunle Odunsi of the Roswell Park Cancer Institute and Brian Slomovitz of UM/Sylvester are overseeing the trial at their respective institutions with locations to be added for the new cohorts. MedImmune, the global biologics research and development arm of AstraZeneca that developed durvalumab, and Targovax, the biopharmaceutical company that developed ONCOS-102, are also collaborators in the clinical trial.

“Patients diagnosed with advanced ovarian and colorectal cancers that have progressed on standard therapies have very few treatment options available to them,” said Vanessa Lucey, director of the CRI Venture Fund and Clinical Accelerator. “Under a unique partnership model, this study leverages the capabilities of two prominent nonprofit groups, accelerates innovation with top academic centers, and includes two different bio-pharmaceutical companies. This is the type of coordination and collaboration we need to accelerate progress for patients.”

“Although checkpoint blockade antibodies have been remarkably effective in treating a variety of cancers, many patients fail to respond to these immunotherapies,” said Jonathan Skipper, Ludwig’s executive vice president for technology development. "Eliciting therapeutic responses in such patients through combination therapies is a top priority of Ludwig’s clinical research program, and a major objective of CRI’s as well. We have good reason to believe that combining checkpoint blockade with oncolytic virotherapy is a highly promising strategy to that end. We very much look forward to seeing the results of this trial.

ONCOS-102 is a serotype 5 adenovirus–a relative of the cold virus–that has been engineered to selectively infect and kill cancer cells. The virus has also been modified to express a gene for an immune factor known as granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF), which boosts critical elements of the immune response. ONCOS-102 has been shown in a previous trial to be safe and to induce anti-cancer immune responses.

Durvalumab, which is already approved for clinical use in other cancers, is a human monoclonal antibody directed against PD-L1. PD-L1 ordinarily protects healthy cells from destruction by a runaway immune response. Tumor cells, however, can co-opt PD-L1 to evade attack by the immune system’s killer T cells. Durvalumab blocks PD-L1 interaction with PD-1 and CD80, countering the tumor’s immune-evading tactics and inducing an immune response.

There is emerging evidence that combining checkpoint blockade with virotherapy could have a therapeutic effect against cancers. Viral infection of cancer cells is hypothesized to draw activated killer T cells into tumors. Once in the tumor, the T cells are exposed to telltale antigens released by dying cancer cells, potentially awakening an immune response against the malignancy as well.

Preclinical research done on mice by Zamarin and others has shown that infecting a tumor with an oncolytic virus and following up with a checkpoint blockade therapy elicits a systemic immune response that targets not only the infected tumor but also other tumors in the body. It is hoped that the GM-CSF expressed by the virus as it multiplies in cancer cells will further boost this kind of anti-tumor response.

The current trial is enrolling patients whose colorectal or ovarian cancers have become resistant to all conventional treatment and whose tumors have spread into the peritoneum–the membrane around the abdominal cavity. ONCOS-102 is being delivered directly into the peritoneal membrane, while durvalumab will be given systemically.

The objectives of this open label trial are to test the safety and preliminary efficacy of the combination, optimize dosing, evaluate the feasibility of peritoneal delivery of ONCOS-102 and inform current and future translational research.



kilde :


Ser spennende ut i morgen🤞


The mesothelioma and melanoma trials have reported encouraging efficacy data over the past months, and a summary of the findings to date will be presented.

Noe nytt som kan komme her eller er alt kjent?


Oppdatering av studien. Som de skriver, virker det positivt så langt.

Skjelden vare at Targo beveger seg. Kan noen begrunne den med ukjente nyheter?

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Min personlige mening: ved veldig gode resultater i melo og meso står vi overfor monsteroppgang. Og snipp snapp snute så er Targovax kjøpt opp før julen ringer inn👍


Vi håper på positive resultater(kan ikke komme annet🤞), men det tar nok lenger tid for eventuelt oppkjøp

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Når forventes de neste studieresultatene for mesothelioma og melanoma?