Det er lavt volum og kursen synker til tross for at det fortløpende meldes positivt nytt. Jeg prøver derfor å forstå hvorfor det er så lite interesse for denne aksjen. Kanskje kan vi få til en interessant diskusjon om dette.
Først litt om bakgrunnen for mine undringer om kurs og vulum:
Etter at emisjonen i januar i år ble fulltegnet med tegningskurs NOK 8. (NOK 101 mill.) har selskapet blant annet meldt om følgende: (alle sitater er hentet fra de aktuelle pressemeldingene eller fra presentasjonene på hjemmesiden).
• 03.03.20:
Targovax announces completed enrollment in the ONCOS-102 trial in anti-PD1 refractory melanoma
Selskapet uttaler: “We are very pleased to have completed enrollment of our melanoma trial. ONCOS-102 is currently one of the most clinically advanced oncolytic viruses in this difficult to treat cancer, and therefore a high priority for us. With this trial also being a proof of concept trial, clinical and immune data from this study will not just indicate whether ONCOS-102 in combination with CPIs can help patients with hard to treat melanoma but potentially also other tumor indications. Supportive data could open the path for a registrational trial.”
• 22.04.20:
Targovax and Valo Therapeutics enter collaboration to develop RAS neoantigen coating of ONCOS viruses using PeptiCRAd technology
Selskapet uttaler: “We are excited to initiate this collaboration with Valo Therapeutics. We continue to view mutant RAS as a very compelling immunotherapeutic target. The innovative PeptiCRAd technology enables us to merge our peptide vaccine and oncolytic virus platforms to generate a truly novel RAS-targeting ONCOS vaccine. The combination of these promising technologies could become a new platform supporting our aspiration to develop novel therapies for hard-to-treat solid tumors.”
• 04.05.20:
Targovax releases update for mesothelioma trial combining ONCOS-102 and chemotherapy
Selskapet uttaler: “We are very pleased to see the encouraging early PFS figures holding up in the 9-month analysis. The data look particularly promising for first line patients, and the preparations for a subsequent checkpoint inhibitor combination trial in this population with a big pharma collaboration partner are progressing according to plan”.
• 04.06.20:
Targovax enters collaboration with Leidos to add checkpoint inhibitor functionality to ONCOS viruses
Selskapet uttaler: “We are continuously looking for new strategies to enhance the immune activation potential and explore novel payloads for our ONCOS viruses. In ExGloH we have found a collaborator with a unique class of checkpoint inhibitors that we believe perfectly complements ONCOS. We are very excited to jointly explore whether the ONCOS and Microtide™ combination can enhance the second generation of ONCOS viruses and serve as a platform for future clinical product candidates to fulfil important medical needs.”
• 22.06.20:
Targovax’s ONCOS-102 mesothelioma 12-month data powerfully demonstrate broad immune activation linked to clinical benefit
Selskapet uttaler: “We are continuously looking for new strategies to enhance the immune activation potential and explore novel payloads for our ONCOS viruses. In ExGloH we have found a collaborator with a unique class of checkpoint inhibitors that we believe perfectly complements ONCOS. We are very excited to jointly explore whether the ONCOS and Microtide™ combination can enhance the second generation of ONCOS viruses and serve as a platform for future clinical product candidates to fulfil important medical needs.”
• 23.06.20:
Targovax announces collaboration to evaluate ONCOS-102 in combination with KEYTRUDA® in mesothelioma
Selskapet uttaler: “We believe the clinical immune activation data we have seen so far provide a strong scientific rationale for adding anti-PD1 checkpoint blockade to the ONCOS-102 and chemotherapy combination in mesothelioma. Therefore, we are delighted that MSD has agreed to support us in exploring this hypothesis by providing KEYTRUDA supply for our next trial. KEYTRUDA is the market-leading checkpoint inhibitor and thus our preferred choice of partner. We are hopeful that the combination of ONCOS-102, pembrolizumab and chemotherapy will lead to improved outcomes for patients with this challenging disease who currently have few treatment alternatives”.
• 29.06.20:
Targovax and Oblique enter collaboration to target mutant RAS cancers by combining their ONCOS and Abiprot™ platforms
Selskapet uttaler: “We continue to explore innovative strategies to expand our ONCOS platform into mutant RAS immunotherapy, and we are very excited to initiate this collaboration with our colleagues at Oblique. With Abiprot they have built a cutting-edge methodology to develop antibodies against historically difficult targets to address, such as mutant RAS. By employing ONCOS as a vector for Oblique’s antibodies we believe we can both enhance antibody delivery into cancer cells and strengthen the oncolytic power of the ONCOS virus, and thus drive a synergistic effect between the two modalities”.
Tilt tross for den positive nyhetsstrømmen har kursen utviklet seg negativt og det er knapt omsetning i aksjen. Hvorfor?
Kan dette forklares med Covid19?: Dette kan ikke ha spilt nevneverdig stor rolle. Pharma generelt er i skuddet som aldri før og som selskapet selv uttaler den 20.03.20:
• Patients in the mesothelioma trial have all completed their treatment regimens and are in the follow-up phase. Updated clinical and immune data are still expected during the first half of 2020
• The melanoma trial is fully recruited and supply of ONCOS-102 is currently under control. Clinical and immune activation data are still expected in the second half of 2020
• The peritoneal malignancies collaboration trial is continuing. ONCOS-102 is currently available on all sites and Targovax is working to secure continued supply for the longer term. It is still too early to conclude how the COVID-19 situation will affect recruitment and further treatment in this trial
Har selskapet et kommunikasjonsproblem? Altså at de ikke evner å formidle på «investorspråket» hva teknologien faktisk går ut på samt å synliggjøre markedspotensialet med tidsperspektiv? At emisjonen i januar ble overtegnet flere ganger (ifølge Q1-rapporten) tyder på det motsatte, men på den andre siden gir tegningskurs på NOK 8 en MC på ca. 600 mill. Dette er peanøtter!. Min mening er at selskapet har et stort potensial på å bli bedre på kommunikasjon og pedagogikk. Investorene må forstå hva teknologien går ut på, samt at de får synliggjort markedspotensialet. Dette gjerne i kombinasjon med at det gis en viss guiding på tidsperspektivene. Jeg tror dette er hovedårsaken til at den ene «positive» meldingen etter den andre ikke skaper interesse.
Emisjonsfrykt?. Jeg har tidligere pekt på dette som en mulig forklaring, men kan den labre interessen forklares med dette? Som vi har vært inne på ovenfor så har ikke selskapet et umiddelbart cashbehov. Det må inn cash senest i Q1/Q2 - 2021 – og da blir nok dette gjort innen årsskiftet. Emisjonsfrykten er nok en del av forklaringen, men hvis selskapet lykkes med å skape interesse og begeistring for både teknologien og det økonomiske potensialet, så er emisjoner ikke noe å frykte i seg selv. Det er allment kjent at R&D-selskaper lever av emisjoner - og cash er det nok av for selskaper som evner å skape begeistring og interesse.
Noen som har noen tanker rundt dette? Hvorfor er vi der vi er – og hva kan gjøres for å få opp kursen og volumet?