HĂžres ut som en bra strategi! Har LTVâen min rundt ~30% og kjĂžper Luna â LunaX/bLuna
Resten av markedet er ganske shit nÄ, kan anbefale Ä bruke litt lÄnt UST til Ä bunnfiske i andre prosjekter ogsÄ for de som tÞrr det
HĂžres ut som en bra strategi! Har LTVâen min rundt ~30% og kjĂžper Luna â LunaX/bLuna
Resten av markedet er ganske shit nÄ, kan anbefale Ä bruke litt lÄnt UST til Ä bunnfiske i andre prosjekter ogsÄ for de som tÞrr det
MÄ sjekke ut lunax og stader blant annet. Vilt hvor luna gÄr nÄ ja. FÞler man ikke har nok luna
LunaX/Luna pool for Ä farme noe SD tokens fÞr farming event er over (vanlig staking event er over, men liquid pÄgÄr en liten stund til).
Blir spennende Ä se om vi fÄr en julegave i dag da, $100 Luna?
Ikke lang unna nĂ„âŠ
Gledelig jul
God jul alle sammen Terra har virkelig begynt Ä rÞre pÄ seg. Det er morsomt Ä se Gratulerer til ewik med solid call pÄ denne. For de som ennÄ ikke er overbevist om at Luna skal videre sÄ vil jeg anbefale Ä lese videre.
Personlig har jeg lite kunnskap om teknisk analyse. Jeg gjÞr kun investeringer basert pÄ informasjon jeg finner pÄ telegram, twitter, youtube etc. Blant annet prÞver jeg Ä fÞlge med pÄ hvem som ofte treffer med sine meninger/anbefalinger. Erfaringen min er at dette ikke er sÄ dum strategi, sÄ lenge jeg doserer med sunn fornuft og er kritisk til det jeg leser. Her er det som gjorde meg overbevist om at Terra har et voldsomt potensial. Utdrag fra en kommentar i en tilfeldig telegram-gruppe som diskuterte Terra.
Thomas, [13 Mar 2021 at 17:40:58 (13 Mar 2021 at 16:49:25)]:
My friend predict Luna worth like 400-500$ in futureâŠI will share his message nowâŠ
Okay nerdsâŠI post a lot about how interesting and profitable all of this stuff is. I never specifically tell you to buy tho (I mean yeah, I do quite often tell certain people to buy, but never mass advice on FB). I donât want to ruin anyoneâs lifeâŠbut I sincerely believe you should follow the advice Iâm about to throw down. Iâm going to lay out a bull case for something Iâm heavy in. Donât just take my word for it, do your own due diligence, and if you come to a conclusion at odds with what Iâm saying, tell me.
I think this has the very real potential to 40x from this point. Full disclosure, I got in at 6.
LUNA by Terra Labs is what I think you should buy.
Stable coins are hard pegged to a countryâs currency. Terraâs stable coin for USD is UST. They have multiple other stable coins, even one pegged to IMFâs SDR. Their stable coin for the Korean Won already has mass adoption, in large part due to the chai app (2.5 million Koreans use Terraâs stable to process payments through Chai).
The collateral used to mint these stable coins is called LUNA. For every UST minted, an equivalent amount (in dollar value) is burned. As you can see from the picture attached (which I pulled the data directly from Terra station), there is massive demand for UST, as evidenced by the MILLIONS of LUNA burned daily. Demand for UST is largely driven from the use of mirror protocol, a synthetic stock exchange that utilizes UST. Mirror launched recently and already has 1 billion TVL. Now realize more dApps utilizing UST are launching soon (within days), SPAR and ANCHOR being the most highly anticipated. This will further drive demand for UST, which in turn further reduces supply of LUNA. This has the effect of reducing total marketcap for LUNA even as price of the asset continues to rise. This is big. That means price can moon while staying massively undervalued relative to the rest of the market.
So here is the very real no hype no hopium bull math. If 10 billion UST are minted (very achievable target), and LUNA reaches a marketcap of 24 Billion (also very achievable target)âŠthat equates to a price of 400 dollars per LUNA. LUNA is currently trading around 10-12âŠthatâs a 40x
For 400 dollar LUNA we need continued demand for UST, which I think is a lock, we need more awareness of the underlying fundamentals of LUNA, which will come organically, and we need crypto to remain bullish long enough for those 2 things to take place. That last point is my only concern, but it is my genuine belief that total crypto marketcap will top out at 8-10 trillion this cycle. Might get bumpy for a bit, but I think we have a long way to go regardless of what happens short term.
If you donât think minting 10billion UST is possible, or you donât think a 24 billion marketcap for LUNA is possible, then you either 1)donât have a solid grasp of the underlying fundamentals or 2)you have never experienced a crypto bull market.
My advice to peopleâŠaccumulate what you can now and ignore the volatility. The move from 3-12 is meaningless at this point. A move from 12-3 would be equally meaningless at this point. Iâm personally not trying to capture these moves. Instead I am DCAâing in to capture the much larger move to 400.
Donât take my word for it tho. Do your own research. Have strong knowledge of what you are invested in and it will make volatility easy to stomach, because you will know where this is ultimately headed.
There will be a lot of lucky (pardon the term) dumb money that got in early that will most likely have to be shaken out at some point. My genuine belief tho is that this is going much higher than most think is possible
1/3 of total supply is locked up in staking right now. Should you choose to stake, you do so through terra station. The main validator Iâve delegated my stake to is smart stake. Iâm receiving roughly 10% APY on my staked LUNA, as well as weekly MIR airdrops, and will be receiving SPAR and Anchor airdrops at launch also.
Last pointâŠwhen it comes time to sell, or when people sell nowâŠ
instead of selling to an exchange, they could in theory choose to burn their LUNA to mint UST, which effectively is the same thing as selling to a stable. Anchor (which is like a bank) will offer fixed rate APY on USTâŠso I think that will be an attractive option for some. By exiting in that manner, selling actually becomes a bullish event because it further reduces supply.
Am I missing anything???
Like I saidâŠdo your own research so you can make an informed decision. Pretty sure this thing blows up once awareness spreads. I mean look at youâŠyou just learned about it and you want to buy it right?
Price was 10.60 at time of writing
Vent Ä se nÄr bearmarket kommer. Da vil det vÊre sistemann ut som slukker lyset. Alle vil konvertere UST til Luna og kursen vil synke som en stein. Det sÄ vi i sommer hvor etterspÞrselen etter UST var lav og Luna kursen var derfor lav.
Og nÄ stÄr vi i ~$100
NÄ er det store spÞrsmÄlet fremover; hvor skal man plassere borrowing power fra Anchor?
Jeg har litt locked up i ASTRO.
De jeg sikler mest pÄ er dermed:
I ingen spesiell rekkefĂžlgeâŠ
Eneste pÄ listen jeg ikke eier, men vil eie, er RUNE sÄ det ville kanskje vÊrt det mest logiske.
Forresten noen som fortsatt holder xyz og stacker ressurser? Quests kommer snart med mulighet til Ă„ vinne UST price pools!
Blir spennende Ă„ se! Jeg er ikke sĂ„ redd for bearmarket egentlig. Hele spacet blir uansett som et sort hull. Da syns jeg det er greit Ă„ sitte pĂ„ coins man vet har mulighet til Ă„ komme tilbake. Referansen om at «sistemann slukker lyset» sier min far nĂ„r han rĂ„der meg til Ă„ holde meg unna krypto. Det gĂ„r ikke inn ser duâ:joy:
Jeg kjÞpte Terra Luna i fjor sommer pÄ 4 og er bitter som faen haha.
Har kun sett litt pÄ RUNE, men ble litt usikker pÄ nÄr det snakkes om at de er blitt hacket to ganger
Bare Ă„ vente til neste hack med Ă„ kjĂžpeđ
Putins nye bank, UST, desentralisert stablecoin?
Helt uavhengig av det du spĂžkefullt impliserer her, sett hvor mye UST som printes i det siste?
Er Anchor et godt kjÞp nÄ? Har falt fra 6 til litt under 4 dollar.
Det tÞr jeg ikke svare pÄ. Det var nok spekulasjon som pumpet den til $6, om at nye tokenomics modeller og nye bAssets skal gjÞre protokollen profitabel over tid.
Aldri dumt Ă„ DCA inn i Luna. Luna er et beist.
Ja, mens resten av markedet blĂžr blir supply tightere og tightere.
Her er det viktig Ä ikke bli avledet av kursen, men Ä holde Þynene pÄ ballen - UST demand/Luna supply
Vi minter UST pÄ maks kapasitet for tiden