Dagfersk artikkel om NIPU.
“Knowledge gained in the NIPU study may be transferred to the first line setting and to other cancers with limited benefit from immunotherapy.”
“This study was designed prior to the positive results of the CheckMate 743 trial [som vil førte til at Ipi+Nivo er blitt SoC i førstelinje], and may also inform the potential for UV1 vaccination in the first line setting.”
“By March 2021, patients are included in Norway, Australia and Denmark.” Og altså ikke Sverige som vi kanskje har trodd. Men nå er det på tide at Helland oppdaterer på clicicaltrials!
“An independent data monitoring committee (IDMC) has pre-planned assessment of the safety of the trial 4 and 13 weeks after the first 6 and 14 patients have started treatment. All the IDMC assessments has been successfully completed.” Visste vi det?! Tyvemilliardersselskapet synes jo sånt er en børsmelding verdig…
Og så noen veldig interessante fakta på slutten:
“Based on the INITIATE trial [28], with 12 months median follow-up it is expected that 69% of patients treated with ipi/nivo will have progressed and, with a HR of 0.60 [hypotesen at UV1 har effekt], it is further expected that 51% of patients treated with ipi/nivo/UV1 will have progressed. With an expected accrual rate of 5 patients per month, a total N=118 patients randomized into the trial over a 24-month period and followed for a minimum of 2–3 months after the last patient is randomized will yield the 69 PFS events required.”
Lenger oppe står det at Helland regner med å være ferdig rekruttert i “May 2022”. Snevrer jo inn guidingen betraktelig (sikkert til irritasjon for ledelsen ) For altså: Dersom de melder ferdig innrullert om nøyaktig et år, så vet vi før skolestart om UV1 har effekt. Og om vi ikke har hørt noe før høstferien vet vi at den er er veldig god.