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WallStreetBets 💎🙌

Det handler ikke om penger lengre Cagey2, det handler om hevn for shortposisjoner. FÞlelser. Ser du ikke dt? Til info sÄ sitter jeg bare observerer fra sidelinjen

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Og sÄ lenge de ikke dekker inn shorten er oppsiden fortsatt der.


Ja, dem har ingenting Ä tape, sÄ lenge alle hodl.

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Bare se pÄ TESLA. Hvis tesla kan vÊre verdt 793 kan GME bli verdt $2000 uten Ä svette.


Uten tvil, ser for 1000, nÄr short skal dekkes inn

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Jeg skjþnner fþlelsene. Men ikke logikken

Og hevn for shorting? SÄ mange er sÄ sinte pÄ shorting, jeg skjÞnner ikke det.

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Ikke vanlig shorts. Det er jo bare bra for markedet. Shorte over 100% og lage drittpakker pÄ selskapet. Not so much love.


:point_up:t2: nettopp

MĂ„ vĂŠre en balansegang i dt hele. Denne gang fikk dem jo smake sin egen medisin, er det ikke slik det henger sammen?

Dem ble for grÄdige rett og slett, og skulle ta livet av Gamestop


Hedgefondsforvaltere som Ackman blir omtalt som guder, mens de fÄr bruke mediene som talerÞr om og om igjen. De tjener ufattelig lett tjente penger der uÊrlighet og lÞgner belÞnnes. NÄr de nÄ da blir satt i en squeeeze sÄ kommer platformene og redder dem ut av posisjonene sine.

GME gikk fra nesten 500 dollar til 150 dollar da de stengte for kjÞp. Mange shortere fikk da dekket seg inn ved deres hjelp. INGEN John Doe fÄr den type hjelp ever.

Det er oss mot dem. Vi retards i Volkswagen mot dem super traders i Ferrarier. Vi nekter Ä la de vinne og hele verden blir med pÄ vÄrt lag. Folk i alle verdensdeler og nesten fra alle land :smiley:


Tja, er det sÄ mye annerledes enn Ä kjÞpe masse pÄ lave kurser, for sÄ Ä gÄ ut Ä hause opp et selskap? Er jo sÄ mye annet skittent spill som foregÄr ogsÄ. I bÄde liten og stor skala
 Men mulig dette er litt sÄnn intuitivt enklere Ä forstÄ og Ä mislike? Jeg vet ikke.

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Forskjellen er at hvis du kjĂžper 100% av aksjene sĂ„ eier du hele selskapet og kan si hva du vil. Å snakke ned og opp egen posisjon er ikke uvanlig, men da bĂžr man passe pĂ„ at det man legger frem som fakta faktisk er fakta.

NÄr de nÄ shortet mer enn 100% sÄ tok de veldig hÞy risiko med sine og sine kunders penger. Den risikoen skal de betale for. Ikke bli reddet ut av.


MÄ jo si det er tidenes kupp om dem klarer Ä velte shortposisjonen nÄ. Blir en spennende mandag :grinning:

Perfekt timet og tilrettelagt, sÄ viser det seg jo mulig


Er vell bare Ä ta et lodd i Gme. Bb og Nokia pÄ Mandag :slight_smile:


Det blir spennende mandag, ja.

Det jeg ikke har skjĂžnt etter Ă„ ha lest alt for mye om emnet er hvorfor man kjĂžper i andre enn #GME?

Hvis jeg har skjĂžnt dette rett er grunnen til at gme er kjĂžpt er den eksgreme andelen short, men kan ikke se at den er like hĂžy i de andre.

Personlig har jeg noen fÄ aksjer av gme for Ä kunne si at dette var jeg en del av til ungene nÄr filmen kommer. Pengene er sannsynligvis allerede tapt :slightly_smiling_face:.

Ps: @pdx utrolig bra forum som tar alt for mye av fritiden min :wink:




Bra podcast om hele fenomenet. GÄr ikke i dybden pÄ det finansielle.

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Ingen her som tror pĂ„ short squeeze? Ingen som tror det er en reel mulighet? Det blir nevnt aktivisme, grĂ„dighet, “skrives mye idiotisk” (da referer du til noen cagey2
), men lite short squeeze som en strategi for kjĂžp. SelvfĂžlgelig er GME ikke verdt 1/5 av det den er nĂ„, om en mĂ„ned er alt dette over hvor noen har tapt og noen har vunnet.

Jeg tror dette kan gÄ veldig ille for hedge funds og satser pÄ short squeeze fra helvette. Her sitter det garantert store aktÞrer som Þnsker Ä se USA velte over, det sÄ vi pÄ fredagens drakamp pÄ 320.


TL:DR: “Verbally eviscerates Steve Cohen, billionaire owner of the Mets who went on National televison to cry about how unfair Wallstreetbets are”

It’s just the same as the cliche in every anime. The elite are alone. Just them and other elites, all of whom distrust one another and would sooner eat one another than help them. They have all the best toys and giant bank accounts, but they’re fucking alone.

Little boy Stevie Cohen would never see millions of people across the world come together, not for profits, not even to gain, but to unite with him and one another against inequality. He doesn’t have friends, he has sycophants and barnacles. No one likes him. He’s a toxic, corrosive element to his entire species. He’s the all-growed-up version of the schoolyard bully that steals all the other kids’ toys and thinks that will make everyone be his friend because now they have to come to his house to play with them. So he buys sports teams and giant gaudy citadels to his immense loneliness, and still finds the fucking time to be such a pathetic little child that he has to go on TV and bitch and moan about how unfair all the peons are being to his big smart short play.

This decrepit fossil does nothing of value for the world. He doesn’t even make anything. He isn’t a visionary CEO. You can say what you like about Musk and Bezos, and lord fucking knows the world needs a good reconciling with the conceit of billionaires, but at the very least, their wealth comes from some fundamental thing of value to others. Not Stevie. He’s just a hideous face stitched onto a giant bank vault whining and bitching about how unfair the world is as he literally bends and breaks the market to line his accounts.

The “product” that Cohen produces is shorting legitimate companies or otherwise rigging every bet he makes in order to funnel other people’s dollars into his own bank account, and manipulating the market even harder when things start to break against him.

They blame WSB for “manipulating” the market, but does WSB immediately jump onto an interview on major news networks to whine and bitch about how unfairly they’ve been treated? Of course not. But Stevie fucking Cohen does.

I’ll warrant that nearly every fucking person on WSB that buys GME used to go to the mall and have their hearts skip a little beat when they saw the GameStop sign. I’ll bet they spent a not-inconsiderable amount of time perusing the relatively small store, looking through bargain bins for that classic PS1 game they lost and suddenly had the itch to play again.

I’ll bet just about every retail investor here has some anecdote about GameStop. Waiting in line for the midnight release for the physical copy of Smash Brothers Melee. Skipping school with friends to play the demo version of the new Mortal Kombat.

That’s why we invest. Stevie Cohen, on the other hand, knows literally nothing about GME except what a bunch of Ivy-League analysts he psychologically abuses typed up about it in a report they left on his desk in the early morning because they try not to come in contact with him if it can be at all helped, because his personality is about as “winning” as the baseball team he bought.

Don’t fucking tell me that this movement was about money. A message board that revels in loss porn doesn’t give a fuck about money.

Millions of people across the world came here because Little Boy Stevie and all his wretched cronies were shorting a company we all loved into oblivion, spreading a concerted campaign of fear and misery in the hopes they’d bankrupt it and make billions without ever having to pay capital gains tax on their ill-gotten winnings.

WSB has been around for years and years and years, but they didn’t quintuple their subscriber base nearly overnight because they organized, they didn’t do it at all. It’s motherfucking Field of Dreams shit right here. They were locked in a cause that millions of regular people saw, and were moved by, and wanted to be a part of. DFV started it, WSB built it, and we did come. That’s what Stevie fucking Cohen will never understand and what will forever be beyond the slimy, clammy grasp of his pudgy wittle hands.

Sorry, Stevie, but all of us buying stocks, we’re part of the human race that you so despised. We love videogames. We love GameStop. We believe in GameStop. We don’t think a pandemic that has temporarily closed retail outlets is a good reason to discount this company’s fundamentals. Sucks to be you.

No one fucking “organized” me. I wasn’t recuited, unlike the myriad “journalists” who pick up the phone at 7am to hear Stevie’s ugly shrill voice screeching in their ear about how they owe him and better use their primetime spot today to make GameStop stocks go down, not up.

I don’t play the stock market. I just don’t want GameStop to die, and I have joined the side of people who think stock go up, not stock go down. That’s why I bought Tesla. They’re fucking cool cars. GameStop is place of value to me. And sure, in recent years it had lost its way. That’s why I want to fucking own a piece of it. I want a say in the resurrection of a place that could be great again.

But Stevie Cohen doesn’t understand value. Because this is a man who has literally never done a thing of value, ever, in his entire miserable Scrooge life. And frankly, calling him Scrooge is an insult to Scrooge, because at least that guy had a redemption arc in his future, whereas Stevie will spend his entire miserable life decrying how unfair the world is to him, a motherfucking billioanire, as millions of people are homeless and starving in the country he’s fucked over.

Stevie Cohen isn’t a savvy investor. Michael Burry is a savvy investor. DeepFuckingValue is a savvy investor. Guys who saw a chink in the armor, an exploit in the system, and told others, and were mocked for it, and bet it all on their own fucking minds, and came out ahead.

Stevie Cohen isn’t that. He’s just a dumpy little boy with a giant sack of money swinging it around in a grotesque and vile little tantrum and accustomed to getting his way for it.

So of course little Stevie can’t imagine millions of strangers uniting together, even to their detriment, if it meant achieving some small piece of justice for the world, for something they loved, something that brought them value and that they felt justified for owning some small piece of.

So this is the end of that anime, Stevie. This is where the triumphant music starts in and all the characters from near and far, the ones we knew, the ones we forgot about, the audience’s favorites and the jerks that turned a new leaf, all suddenly appear over the crest of the hill behind the hero, and that evil fuck floating and cackling because he just enslaved the moon or donned the Sword of Fucking You Over suddenly goes, “oh shit, there’s an awful lot of them now, maybe I did a miscalculation.”


TL:DR :slight_smile: