Nedenfor er teksten på AT’s sign-on bonus. Vi venter på en supermelding før AT melder om kjøp av 25000 aksjer.
- One-off, sign-on bonus for the Chairman Elect
Anders Tullgren also wants to become a shareholder, and has required 25, 000 shares in BerGenBio
as a sign-on bonus. The Nomination Committee propose that after he is instated by the
Extraordinary General Meeting, Mr Tullgren is paid a sum of money with an after-tax value
equivalent to 25, 000 shares. The payment is made conditional to him buying 25, 000 shares in
BerGenBio. The precise sum in monetary terms will be decided by the market price on the day the
shares are to be bought. At the date of the present recommendation, 25, 000 shares are equivalent
to approximately 480, 000 NOK.