Enig i at risikoen er høy, og at å deriske litt før man forventer readout kan være smart.
Denne studien fant jeg litt interessant: et lite molekyl, tas oralt, og har vist effekt i en RCT med 106 pasienter. Så klart er MOA annerledes og det lar seg ikke sammenlikne på annet vis enn at studien er stor nok til å vise effekt dersom den finnes.
Results 106 patients underwent randomization (51 in the C21 group and 55 in the placebo group). At day 14 after start of treatment, the proportion of patients still requiring supplemental oxygen was significantly reduced by 90% in the C21 group compared to the placebo group (p=0.003). Moreover, fewer patients required mechanical ventilation (one C21 patient and four placebo patients), and C21 was associated with a numerical reduction in the mortality rate (one and three deaths in the C21 and placebo group, respectively). Treatment with C21 was safe and well tolerated.