Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister

Episurf Medical (EPIS-B)

Omsider en feelgoodemisjon i episurf


Ikke bare feelgood. Men alt er klappet og klart til videre vekst

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Episurf Medical (Nasdaq: EPIS B) will attend DNB Nordic Healthcare Conference, a virtual investor conference, on December 15, 2020. The event is arranged by DNB and the company will be represented by the CEO Pål Ryfors.

The presentation will take place at 13:20 CETand afterwards be made available on Episurfs website.


Fortsetter å tikke inn positive drypp :slight_smile:

Episurf Medical (Nasdaq: EPIS B) today announces that post-market surveillance survival data for the Episealer® Knee implant has been compiled and accepted for scientific publication in the peer-reviewed journal Surgical Technology International. The data shows a cumulative survival rate of >96% over 7 years. The publication, Patient-specific implants for focal cartilage lesions in the knee: implant survivorship analysis up to seven years post-implantation, by L. Ryd, K. Flodström and M. T. Manley focuses on survival data for 682 Episealer® knee implants implanted between 2012 and 2020.

"This publication on the implant survival status of the Episealer ® device merits some significance. First, this is a report on all implants so far delivered at the date of the report, i.e. these results are representative for, not the few specially interested clinics, but for an entire cohort of surgeons. Secondly, the number of revisions is conspicuously low, on par with the best TKA-designs in the Swedish Knee Registry. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, all implant revisions have so far occurred before 30 months post-op. This means that the inappropriate cases - they exist in all types of surgery - fall out early. Our hypothesis is, that having passed 30 months, these implants may last for a very long time” says Pål Ryfors, CEO Episurf Medical.

This is the fifth peer-reviewed clinical article on the Episealer® knee implant accepted for publication, of which three have been accepted in 2020. Since before, there are five pre-clinical papers published.


Ser veldig bra ut


Hyggelig å sitte i en biotekaksje som er finansiert ut 2023 og som etter all sannsynlighet bare kommer til å fortsette å komme med positive rapporter og nyheter.


Og som teknisk vel ser temmelig lovende ut:



Synes det var vanskelig å finne noen klare motstandsnivåer nedover, det er ikke så bra. På den andre siden, vi skal langt opp før det er noe skikkelig motstand tenker jeg. (4,6 og 6,2). Synes også det er interessant hvordan volumet har hoppet markant det siste året.


Ikke akkurat klokkeklart nei, men jeg tenker at det kan være noe støtte på ca 2,10 og 1,80:

Enig oppover… :slight_smile:

Nyttårsrakett til 6,2 hadde vært no! :smile:


Jobber seg oppover


In2Bones is a global orthopaedic company, focusing on the extremity segment. The company is headquartered in the US but has a strong focus towards the French market.



Nå jinxer jeg det vel, men Episurf er da på et meget spennende teknisk sted? :slight_smile:

Minervinis innledende kriterier ser :+1: ut:

  • The stock price is above the GD150 and above the GD200
  • The GD150 is above the GD200
  • The GD200 has been moving upwards for over a month
  • The GD50 is above the GD150 and above the GD200
  • The current share price is above the GD50
  • The current share price is at least 30% above the 52-week low
  • The current share price is no further than 25% from its 52-week high.

Volum og close over 2,80 hadde gjort seg :slight_smile:


Episurf Medical (Nasdaq: EPIS B) today announces that the company enters into an agreement of SEK 1.5m for out-licensing of the iFidelity software platform. The platform constitutes the communication and distribution platform for Episurf Medicals orthopaedic product line, where medical imaging constitutes a central part. By the transaction, the company is licensing its platform to a US-based orthopaedic company, which intends to establish its own communication and distribution platform based on iFidelity.


Selskapet har masse spennende digital teknologi, spennende at de begynner å kapitalisere på dette som egne produkter.


For en uslepen diamant vi sitter på. Utrolig spennende fremover. Men jaggu har det vært en seigpining uten like!


noen som vet hva kriteriene er for Episurf Medical TO 4B opsjonene er? Når kan de innløses og hva blir tegningskursen?


Hva mener dere opp svenskenes tegningsobligasjoner? Ser andre svenske biotekselskaper som kan ha slike liggende ute for emisjoner laaaaaangt frem i tid. Er ikke disse med på å holde kursen nede?

Der gikk det plutselig 70k på 2,81 gitt :blush:
Spennende teknisk punkt nå.


Episurf drar lasset i dag :heart_eyes: