Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister

Russland/Ukraina debatt 3

USA får valuta for pengene de bruker i Ukraina.


Ukraine: Humanitarian Impact Situation Report


• As of 22 March, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) reports 2,571 civilian casualties, including 977 killed, figures that are likely much higher and will continue to rise.

• Between 24 February and 22 March, more than 650 residential buildings have been destroyed across Ukraine, while around 3,780 have suffered varying degrees of damages, according to the State Emergency Service of Ukraine (SESU).The extent of damages is likely more considerable, as insecurity prevents the assessment of damages.

• As of 23 March, the World Health Organization (WHO) verified 64 attacks on health care in Ukraine, leading to 15 deaths and 37 injuries. In addition, according to the Ministry of Education and Science, 548 educational facilities have been damaged amid ongoing hostilities, 72 of which have been destroyed.

• On 22 March, the Government of Ukraine issued a resolution amending the rules for delivering humanitarian aid from abroad, which cancels the majority of requirements for bringing in relief items. Furthermore, 14 European countries have agreed to a permission-free transit of humanitarian aid to Ukraine. These developments are expected to further facilitate the timely delivery of life-saving assistance to Ukraine.

• According to the President of Ukraine, over the last two weeks, Ukraine has received over 100,000 tons of humanitarian aid from various actors and countries. Meanwhile, the Russian Federation reported that as of 23 March, 4,554 tons of aid was delivered to the non-Government-controlled areas (NGCA) of Luhanska and Donetska oblasts, and to five other oblasts of Ukraine, including 209 tons delivered on 22 March.

• On 22 March, the Ukrainian Red Cross Society (URCS) reported that it had received over 1,000 tons of humanitarian aid, including non-food items, medicines, among other relief items, within the last week from partners of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. As of 21 March, reports indicate that the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA), in partnership with the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), delivered 130 tons of essential supplies, including life-saving food, blankets and other items, to Ukraine.


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Max manus og operasjon Mardonius vibber :muscle: :boom:

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Er flere lignende samtaler på denne tråden


Russland kan gå på et stygt tap rundt Kiev hvis de ikke kommer disse styrkene til unnsetning med fuel, mat og ammo


Now, pressure is growing to ramp up the pace further, as Ukraine says it is running out of weapons and ammunition as it fights to blunt Russian advances and counterattack. Antitank and antiaircraft missiles are in especially short supply, Ukrainian defense officials say. During this week’s NATO summit and meeting of the European Union, President Biden is expected to press allies to give Ukraine more, particularly air defense systems, U.S. officials said.

“The Ukrainians are expending a lot of ordnance, and this is more than we anticipated,” said a Western security official. “We are trying to step up the flow of weapons to meet that new requirement and there are constant shortages.”


Eneste håpet er hviterussland, og planen var å bruke dem for å tette polske grensa.

Men de nekter og er nå T+3 dager siden de skulle gå inn ( ifølge ulike osint kilder).

Hva tenker folk om denne muligheten: Polen (og eller andre øst europeiske land) velger å frasi seg retten til artikkel 5 i Natotraktaten, og går inn med egne styrker i Ukraina. Russland vil da være i krig med Polen, uten at det utløser krig med NATO.

Polen kan vel være tilbøyelig til å gjøre dette.


Mye som tyder på at dette var resultatet av et Tochka-U ballistisk missil.

Får håpe den var fullastet da =)


Tochka har -+ 100meter treff sikkerhet.

Her ser det ut som en direkt hit.

Enten er det dykkere som har teipa på noe c4, eller drone.

Ser flere skrive Tochka men da er det lotto treff.


Trump har et poeng her:

Du bør si; hvis du Putin nevner det ordet atomvåpen én gang til, kommer vi til å sende dem atomubåter over. Så vil vi kjøre fram og tilbake, opp og ned kysten din, sier den tidligere presidenten til Fox business.


God realpolitisk forklaring av Russisk tankesett(lang tråd), nesten så jeg begynner å tenke att Mearsheimer var inne på noe og att vi burde bare la Ukraina og Russland være i fred.
Kanskje noen burde tipse Steigan om en god gratis kronikk. :thinking:

A secure international border has Russian troops one both sides of it.



Artikkel 5 gjelder om man selv blir angrepet i strid med folkeretten. Ikke dersom man aktivt går til krig mot noen andre.