Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister

Russland/Ukraina, historisk bakgrunn og langsiktige konsekvenser av krigen

Virker som vi oversatte feil. Putin skal re Nazifisere ukraina.

Iallefall det han prøver i resten av europa

Enda noen som mener han ikke er fienden?


Det er IKKE bekreftet fra Ukrainske myndigheter, men det hadde vært fint om Putler kunne slått seg til ro med denne uttalelsen å trekt styrkene sine ut.

Russiske myndigheter bruker uttrykket «liberated» som betyr «befridd» på norsk. Dette i tråd med russisk propaganda som fremstiller krigen som en militær befrielsesoperasjon.

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Beklageligvis, så betyr befridd det samme som jevnet med jorden på russisk. Det ser ut som de blandet de to ordene her.


Man kan si mye om Tyrkia, men de lar seg ikke skremme av Russland. Tøft gjort å bare stoppe skipet.


Heelt tilfeldig. Og USA sin feil. Nato ekspansjon øst du vet… fører til tilfeldigheter…

Tyskland ass. Her er det noen politikere som bare: næææ, hva med gassen vår da? Hvis Russland vinner krigen, så blir alt fint igjen. :exploding_head:


Jeg har en liten ikke kjempeseriøs teori om at de grønne i tyskland har fått penger fra Putin.

Alt de gjør er Pro putin.

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Slår venneforeningen til Russland sprekker?


Kan være så enkelt som at de ønsker å ha litt forsvarsevne de også.

De har fått juling fra russerne før, som kjent. Pluss at man må ha litt lette kjøretøy for å slå ned kommende folkeopprør når det blir strøm- og matmangel.

Det er Scholz selv og hans parti som er mot våpenleveringer spesifikt.
Dette er holdningen deres i et nøtteskall:


Det er ikke å forvente annet mtp. hvor dårlig de har håndtert annen politikk blant annet energipolitikken. Dette er en del av tysk energipolitikk slik jeg ser det - ennå benektelsesfase.

Hva tyskerne burde gjort:
Fylt opp Rhinen, Elben, Weser, Oder, Bodensee og kystområder i nord med Ocean Sun systemer så fort som faen. Bruke overskuddsenergi på å lage hydrogen og bruke oksygenet fra elektrolyse til oxyfuel forbrenning og CO2 fangst når det ikke er sol.

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Akkurat ang. Tyskland så er det ok at de holder seg så langt unna krig som mulig. Det er nok av sterke økonomier og land i Europa sammen med USA til å støtte Ukraina her. At de holder seg på sidelinjen er jeg ikke i mot denne gangen. Er bare 77 år siden andre verdenskrig og 30 år siden murens fall. Med Tysklands ekstremt sterke industri kan de knuse de fleste i en konvensjonell krig, men ønsker ikke å se dem føre an her. Sverige derimot bør punge ut her. De tenker jeg er i første rekke som bør gi det de har.

Hvis de har noen til å forsyne seg med energi.


Tikkun.org, 29 June 2022. Ukraine Is The Latest Neocon Disaster. By Jeffrey Sachs. The war in Ukraine is the culmination of a 30-year project of the American neoconservative movement. The Biden Administration is packed with the same neocons who championed the US wars of choice in Serbia (1999), Afghanistan (2001), Iraq (2003), Syria (2011), Libya (2011), and who did so much to provoke Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The neocon track record is one of unmitigated disaster, yet Biden has staffed his team with neocons. As a result, Biden is steering Ukraine, the US, and the European Union towards yet another geopolitical debacle. If Europe has any insight, it will separate itself from these US foreign policy debacles. The neocon movement emerged in the 1970s around a group of public intellectuals, several of whom were influenced by University of Chicago political scientist Leo Strauss and Yale University classicist Donald Kagan. Neocon leaders included Norman Podhoretz, Irving Kristol, Paul Wolfowitz, Robert Kagan (son of Donald), Frederick Kagan (son of Donald), Victoria Nuland (wife of Robert), Elliott Abrams, and Kimberley Allen Kagan (wife of Frederick). The main message of the neocons is that the US must predominate in military power in every region of the world, and must confront rising regional powers that could someday challenge US global or regional dominance, most importantly Russia and China. For this purpose, US military force should be pre-positioned in hundreds of military bases around the world and the US should be prepared to lead wars of choice as necessary. The United Nations is to be used by the US only when useful for US purposes. This approach was spelled out first by Paul Wolfowitz in his draft Defense Policy Guidance (DPG) written for the Department of Defense in 2002. The draft called for extending the US-led security network to the Central and Eastern Europe despite the explicit promise by German Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher in 1990 that German unification would not be followed by NATO’s eastward enlargement. Wolfowitz also made the case for American wars of choice, defending America’s right to act independently, even alone, in response to crises of concern to the US. According to General Wesley Clark, Wolfowitz already made clear to Clark in May 1991 that the US would lead regime-change operations in Iraq, Syria, and other former Soviet allies.

Genscher and Baker. At a meeting between US Secretary of State James Baker and Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze on February 9, 1990, Baker repeated not once, but three times, the “not one inch expansion of Nato east” formula, according to the official State Department write-up of the meeting, written the next day. Baker said the same to Gorbachev at a meeting on the same day, saying: “neither the President nor I intend to extract any unilateral advantages from the processes that are taking place,” and that the Americans understood that “not only for the Soviet Union but for other European countries as well it is important to have guarantees that if the United States keeps its presence in Germany within the framework of Nato, not an inch of Nato’s present military jurisdiction will spread in an eastern direction,” according to the declassified State Department’s official write-up of the meeting. The idea of the promise of no Nato expansion was the brainchild of Germany’s Hans-Dietrich Genscher, who oversaw Germany’s Ostpolitik, the attempt by West Germany to normalise its relations with Eastern Europe between 1969 and 1974. Genscher realised that the Soviet Union would see any Nato expansion as very threatening, an attitude that Putin has inherited.


En av disse er vel blant de som skriver for ISW. Eller krigshissere :see_no_evil:

Ikke at jeg i det hele tatt får god for resten av det som står der.

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Usa sin interesse starta ikke for alvor før 2010 når de fant gass og olje . Ca samtidig økte russland sin interesse.

Ellers kan man jo lese mye morsomme eventyr om man kryper langt nok til høyre eller venstre


Jeg må gi denne litt ekstra vekt, ettersom det er en tidligere finsk statsminister som leverer fram sitt syn. Er det noen som kjenner Russland godt, så er det Finland.

Jeg er litt der at det ikke var Nato medlemskapet som var Russland sitt problem. I så fall ville det vært katastrofalt at Finland og Sverige ble medlem. I stedet er det som blir dratt fram i videoen at Ukraina var på vei til å bli et liberalt demokrati. Siden Finland og Sverige allerede var det, så spilte det ingen rolle at de ble med i Nato. Russland har fjernet masse soldater fra grensen mot både Finland og Norge under denne krigen. Mao frykten for at NATO går inn i Russland er null.


JOE BIDEN AND NEOCONSERVATISM Auteur: Giorgio Spagnol Date de publication: 3/5/2021. Institut Européen des Relations Internationales (IERI) Robert Kagan’s wife is Victoria Nuland, former Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs in the Obama administration. She played an active role in organizing and supporting the color revolution in Ukraine in 2014, infamously advising to the US Ambassador Geoffrey Pyat to “Fuck the EU”. From 2003 to 2005, Victoria Nuland was a foreign policy advisor to Dick Cheney, the US Vice President that filled the US Administration with neocons. In the Biden-Harris administration she is serving as Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs. This is currently the third-ranking position in the United States Department of State, after the Secretary and the Deputy Secretary. The infamous Brett McGurk, who in his tenure as Special Presidential Envoy for the Global Coalition to Counter the Islamic State insisted on the support of PKK-related militias in Syria, is also a neocon, and started his career in the George W. Bush administration. He is the Middle East czar in Biden’s National Security Council. At the same time, there are serious anti-Chinese players in the Biden administration, particularly Kurt Campbell, who is the so-called China czar.

On February 4, 2014, a recording of a phone call between Nuland and U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt, on January 28, 2014, was published on YouTube.[22] [23][24][25][26][27] In their phone conversation, Nuland and Pyatt were having a discussion about the make up of next Ukrainian government. Nuland told Pyatt that Arseniy Yatsenyuk would be the best candidate to become the next Prime Minister of Ukraine.[23][24] Nuland suggested the United Nations, rather than European Union should be involved in a political solution in Kiev, saying that “So that would be great, I think, to help glue this thing and have the U.N. help glue it and you know … fuck the EU”. The following day, Christiane Wirtz, Deputy Government Spokesperson and Deputy Head of the Press and Information Office of the German Federal Government, stated that German Chancellor Angela Merkel termed Nuland’s remark “absolutely unacceptable.”[28] The president of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy, condemned the remark as “unacceptable”.

I ettertid har det dessverre i praksis vist seg at EU-ledelsen finner både Nuland og alt det hun representerer høyst akseptabelt. EU har endt opp akkurat der Nuland og øvrige neocons ønsket. Sånn sett “går jeg ikke god” for alt det Jeffrey Sachs skriver jeg heller. Jeg deler ihvertfall ikke hans forhåpninger om at de europeiske landene vil vise noen form for reell selvstendighet vis-a-vis Washington i overskuelig fremtid.

Victoria Nuland exemplifies the neocons who have led US foreign policyfrom one disaster to another for the past 30 years while evading accountability. It is a bad sign that President Joe Biden has nominated Victoria Nuland for the third highest position at the State Department, Under Secretary for Political Affairs. As a top-level appointee, Victoria Nuland must be confirmed by the US Senate. There is a campaign to Stop her confirmation. The following review of her work shows why Victoria Nuland is incompetent, highly dangerous and should not be confirmed. Afghanistan and Iraq From 2000 to 2003, Nuland was US permanent representative to NATO as the Bush administration attacked then invaded Afghanistan. The Afghan government offered to work with the US remove Al Qaeda, but this was rejected. After Al Qaeda was defeated, the US could have left Afghanistan but instead stayed, established semi-permanent bases, split the country, and is still fighting there two decades later. From 2003 to 2005 Nuland was principal foreign policy advisor to Vice President Dick Cheney who “helped plan and manage the war that toppled Saddam Hussein, including making Bush administration’s case for preemptive military actions based on Iraq’s alleged weapons of mass destruction.” The foreign policy establishment, with Nuland on the far right, believed that removing Saddam Hussein and installing a US “ally” would be simple. The invasion and continuing occupation have resulted in over a million dead Iraqis, many thousands of dead Americans, hundreds of thousands with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder at a cost of 2 to 6 TRILLION dollars. From 2005 to 2008 Victoria Nuland was US Ambassador to NATO where her role was to “strengthen Allied support” for the occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq. On the 10th anniversary of the invasion, when asked about the lessons learned Nuland responded: “Compared to where we were in the Saddam era, we now have a bilateral security agreement … We have deep economic interests and ties. We have a security relationship. We have a political relationship.” Nuland is oblivious to the costs. Nuland’s loyalties are to the elite who have benefitted from the tragedy. According to online google, “One of the top profiteers from the Iraq War was oil field services corporation, Halliburton. Halliburton gained $39.5 billion in ‘federal contracts related to the Iraq war.” Nuland’s boss, Vice President Dick Cheney, was the former the CEO of Halliburton.

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