Så endepunktene er møtt på bla OS? Hvorfor er ikke denne utfordreren blitt nevnt av PCIB selv tidligere? Er vel bare NuCana
Hver måned kårer jeg det jeg kaller Teksperter™ for noen av de mest populære investeringene våre
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Her er denne månedens Teksperter™ og det mest likte innlegget deres fra de siste 90 dagene:
- @lenny (307 likes)
- @Jubel (295 likes)
- @abacus (191 likes)
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@bamse (174 likes)
@Investor (143 likes)
@Logdec (128 likes)
@Oxion (109 likes)
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@neuro (103 likes)
@anon6994212 (95 likes)
“mFOLFIRINOX triplet chemotherapy did not meet the primary study end point. CISGEM doublet chemotherapy remains the first-line standard in advanced BTC”
Det må nok lokal behandling til for at gallegangen ikke skal tettes til
Nedenfor er link til presentasjonen
Ser ut som at man på første gang på veldig lenge får anledning til å møte ledelsen i PCI Biotech face-to-face.
Now you can watch IPA master classes series regarding PCI for which the company sent out a press release few weeks ago. both Pål Selbo and Prof Jorg Trojan are presenters
click on first video. it combines three presentations, follow the timelines:
31:14 … PCI and Light-Controlled Delivery of Cancer Immunotherapeutics - Pål Kristian Selbo, PhD
01:00:20 … PCI of Gemcitabine in Locally Advanced Inoperable Cholangiocarcinoma - A new technique with promising clinical activity - Jorg Trojan, PhD
IPA Video Podcasts — International Photodynamic Association (IPA)
Dette innlegget ble rapportert og er midlertidig skjult.
Er det bare jeg eller er det slik at der er problemer med å finne en småprat-tråd for PCIB?
Kunne noen opprette en slik side?
Slik det er i dag så blir tråden for fundamentale forhold “misbrukt” , ikke?
Her er den!
Oslo, Norway, November 30, 2021 - PCI Biotech Holding ASA (OSE: PCIB), a cancer focused biopharmaceutical company with a unique intracellular delivery technology via Photochemical Internalisation and Immunicum AB (publ; IMMU.ST), a biopharmaceutical company focused on hard-to-treat established tumors and the prevention of cancer recurrence, announced today an extension of their current collaboration.
The companies jointly research the possibility to overcome current hurdles in cancer immunotherapy by introducing tumor independent immune targets into the tumor microenvironment, in combination with vaccination or adoptive immunotherapies. The so-called Tumor Independent Antigen concept, which has been invented by Immunicum, could benefit from PCI Biotech’s antigen delivery technologies based on Photochemical Internalisation. Following the encouraging results of the first set of in vitro experiments, during which the delivery protocol of the combination treatment has been optimized, the companies have decided to move ahead to evaluate the novel therapeutic concept in animal models. While the first experiments were conducted by Immunicum, this further in vivo evaluation will be carried out by PCI Biotech.
Commenting on the announcement PCI Biotech’s CEO, Per Walday said: “The results of the initial collaborative experiments are encouraging, supporting the immune response enhancing capability of the fimaVacc platform technology. We are committed to this collaboration and are looking forward to the next series of experiments in animal models, which are aimed to generate data that could pave the way to a potential joint development program.”
Erik Manting, CEO of Immunicum added: “At Immunicum, we are continuously studying novel immunotherapy concepts aimed to address hard-to-treat established tumors and to overcome the limitations of currently available cancer therapies. In this collaboration, we are combining our know-how and technology basis with that of PCI Biotech to design potential novel therapeutic concepts and we look forward to advancing the collaboration through in vivo studies as an important next step.”
Hver måned kårer jeg det jeg kaller Teksperter™ for noen av de mest populære investeringene våre
Det er de 3 medlemmene som har fått flest likes på innleggene sine de siste 90 dagene. Teksperter™ får også en unikt merke på profilen sin og et trofé-ikon ved siden av navnet sitt. Du kan bli Tekspert™ i flere aksjer/investeringer, og troféet vil bare vises i tråder der du er Tekspert™.
Her er denne månedens Teksperter™ og det mest likte innlegget deres fra de siste 90 dagene:
- @lenny (965 likes)
- @Jubel (813 likes)
- @bamse (494 likes)
Resten av topp 10:
@abacus (443 likes)
@StockDZ (258 likes)
@Gautosaur (222 likes)
@anon6994212 (203 likes)
@nordpolen (195 likes)
@Logdec (195 likes)
@Sorlendingen (152 likes)
Dette innlegget ble rapportert og er midlertidig skjult.