Skulle jo ønske du hadde rett, men finner dette i siste kvartalsrapport:
The target population for fimaCHEM is inoperable patients, and applying a projection of inoperable patients based on the estimated inoperable portion from the Western world (approx. 75%1) and taking into account that not all parts of the population in China will have access to the treatment, it can be estimated potentially more than 4,000 patients annually in the commercially interesting part of the Asian market. This preliminary figure is based on publicly available epidemiological information.
Slik jeg leser det er det mulige pasienter korrigert for sosioøkonomiske forhold, men ikke justert for markedsandel. Det viser altså det potensielle markedet.
Fant ikke tallet for USA og Europa, men regner med at de tenker på samme måte med de 3000 de tidligere har oppgitt.